Saturday, May 20, 2006

Battle at the Donkfest, the rabbit got ahold of the gun.

So I went into the Pearl River Resort thinking about how bad these donks played, I was licking my chops thinking I might make so much money we'd have to take Billy's truck on three or four trips back from the casino with the bags of money I was liable to make.

I sit down and I scan the table, I couldn't find a single guy or girl at the table who looked like they had any clue what they were doing. Chips were flying around back and forth, people shouting "raise, reraise, I reraise" back and forth and when the dust settled the cards would flip up on the table and nobody knew who won for the first 15 seconds. It was a sight to see.

Right off the bat, I get dealt A-K, flopped K-9-3 and a 9 turned, the donk checked to me and I checked as well, river he checks to me again and checkraises me from $40 to $80, I call and pay him off and shows me A-9. Round one, donkey wins by K.O.

I strapped my boxing-gloves on (not literally, dumbass, ever tried shuffling chips with boxing-gloves on?) then I silently told myself "It's on now motherfuckers". I crank up the iPod with the Godsmack song "I fucking hate you" and was ready to get in the zone. I end up losing another couple of pots and win a couple small ones and I end the session down $24. The donkeys had won, it was a blow to my ego to have to walk out with my tail between my legs instead of my hands full of money. Ah, well, there's always a day tomorrow.

Before we went down to the casino, I played some online, I won about $250 on PokerStars and Jamie was messing around on Pacific Poker. He asked me "Swedepie", (He's the only one who'd get away with that shit), "Do you wanna play this $28 tournament for me online?",

I said that I would if he wanted me to and he said he did, so I ended up playing it. Well, I ended up winning it after a few hours for $1500 so that was a good start to the trip.

Total tally for the night is up $250 on PokerStars, up $1500 (+750 for me) on Pacific and -$24 in the casino. $976 winner, that was an alright first day.

Winnings so far: $976
Money left before the goal is reached: $23,999,024


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