Sunday, May 21, 2006

To the victor goes the spoils

Well, May 21st was a bad day to be a donkey because man, they got smoked. I had an amazing hand in the 5/10 No Limit game when I flopped four aces, I checked and to my surprise the other guy moves all-in for nearly $3000, he barely had me covered and I called, he turned over seven-deuce for no pair and he was drawing dead and the dealer shipped me a mountain of a pot filled with black hundred dollar chips, $100 bills and $5 chips!

Then I woke up by the dealer prompting me it was my turn to act in the shitty little 10/20/30 Omaha and I realized I had been daydreaming. Oh well. The Omaha game was pretty interesting though, normally I get extremely bored while playing because you're just sitting there waiting for the next hand and you've seen all the hands played over and over and over again and nothing really surprises you anymore...


I was fucking surprised. I was sitting at that Omaha game taking turns scratching my head wondering "what the fuck?", leaning back in my chair throwing my hands up in the air thinking "What the FUCK?!" and just walking over to Shawn explaining to him how this one guy just put in about seventeen bets drawing stone cold fucking dead or something similar. It was crazy.

At one point a big hand was brewing, they capped it preflop for $90, the flop was dealt and it was yet again capped. I'm sitting here trying to put people on hands (Ha!) and figuring out who has what. By the time the turn-card was dealt, I figured there was atleast a top full house battling it out vs four-of-a-kind. Then the river was dealt, donkey number one bets, donkey number two instantly raises it up and gets called. The man who called him down asks, "So what do you have?"

This is the part where I am sitting there patting myself on the good read for correctly putting the guy on quads of some sort, and waiting for him to turn over the hand to confirm.

"I ain't' got a god damn thing!" he proclaims, and shows his hand. He had a busted one-pair draw, I think. There might've been a jack high flushdraw in there too, I just about spit my fucking drink all over the table trying to contain my laughter as I didn't want to be rude. The other guy proudly flips over middle two pair and drags the monster pot. I had to take a walk after that hand as I couldn't look back at the guy who said he didn't have a god damn thing without bursting out into laughter. Man, oh man.

I ended up getting stuck a couple of hundred in the game, thanks to being outplayed by people mentioned above and realized I have to go back to playing no limit. The line-up wasn't actually half as donkeyish as it normally is but I managed to win back what I lost and ended up with a $120 profit on top of it. Not too bad, nothing special but it's alright.

On a completely unrelated sidenote, Jamie brought me chicken mcnuggets and a coke while I was playing online and I sat the coke down on the table next to the bed. The iPod was also laying on the table next to the bed. The coke decided that it was tired of the nazi ways of being oppressed and forced to stay inside the cup and somehow managed to float onto the table completely soaking the iPod. Great. I tried to play the iPod at the table and it now acts like a little poltergeist has possessed it and decides what song is going to be played, when it's going to play and most importantly what volume it will decide to be played at. I no longer have any control over my iPod. In a way it'd be a lot cooler if my iPod actually did get possessed by some unearthly being instead of just being water-damaged. That'd be way exciting, I think.

Jamie somehow ended up winning while playing online, I think hell froze over, peace settled over planet earth and George Bush finally figured out how to pronounce "nuclear". All of these events seemed equally likely to take place, about a week ago. I'm proud of little Jamiepoo, maybe he's actually starting to run better? Perhaps I can even dare to go somewhere with him when it's raining and thundering outside now without being afraid I'll get struck by a lightning bolt.

Played another short session after getting home from the hotel, won about $300 and called it a night. Now I'm going to try to get to sleep, if possible. These three guys all started snoring at the same fucking time last night and while it first was annoying as fuck that they all were snoring, after about five minutes of listening to it, it was actually somewhat fascinating. Jamie was doing the high pitched snore lead vocals style, Shawn the more intense drum-n-bass type snore while Billy was keeping the beat in the background with his low, steady snores. If I fall asleep first tonight maybe I won't have to go through a repeat. Take care and I'll stop by tomorrow again.


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