Sunday, May 21, 2006

The zero-sum day

We woke up at about three PM I guess and we started playing poker on the laptops. I got stuck almost $2000 right off the god damn bat and I was ready to throw my mouse out the window into the yard until I realized that it would be awfully childish to do such a thing. (Jamie threw his mouse out in the yard after taking a 1-outer beat back in Tunica) instead I went about it in an adult fashion and cussed, screamed and started telling them in the chat how much they absolutely suck. In other words, being Tim Burt. I was pretty much fuming. Speaking of Tim Burt, he called me earlier today while playing 20/40 and I was laughing so fucking hard. He was in the middle of telling me a story when I hear him say "Oh my god, you did not just fucking call me with that."

Then he continued, "You play so damn bad sir, I swear to god. Bottom pair? Good catch, good job sir." then he tells me on the phone "These players are so fucking bad it is amazing."

I was rolling. I love Burt to death, watching him take bad beats is the funniest shit in the entire world to me. Now don't get me wrong, I hate to see him lose money but the "Tim Burt Show" that usually starts playing after the donkeys hung him on the wall and took turns pinning his ass is worth watching. It is completely amazing to me he hasn't been knocked the fuck out on more than one occasion. Back to the online session, I somehow managed to come back and if I hadn't ended the session by running a stone-cold bluff where I threw away about $540 I would've ended ahead $500. Instead I broke even.

Jamie sent Billy over to play 3/6 Limit Hold'em at the casino today, poor guy. He had to sit in at that game all damn day. He went out there at about 8 am and when Jamie called him at four he asked "Billy, how we doing?" and Billy said "We're three hundred winner!" I told you guys Billy is my hero, he is seriously so god damn funny I am rolling laughing nearly constantly. The way these guys jab at eachother with the comments has me in tears laughing. I couldn't have found a better group of crackheads to go on a roadtrip with.

We ate at some chinese buffet today too, it wasn't too bad but it still fucked up my stomach. Shawn found these tiny little steaks that were very well-done but they suspiciously looked like one of the stray cats I saw running around the hotel the other night. I poked one a bit with a chopstick and I swear I heard it go "meow", I could be wrong, but I didn't wanna take my chances. The sweet and sour chicken (wait a minute, was it really chicken...?) was still good though, and the waitress was pretty cute. We then headed back to the casino to pick up Billy and eat at the buffet again. I feel like all I've done all god damn day is eat, lay on the bed and eat some more. I still am exhausted, being a bum is damn hard work, I tell you that much.

The plan looks like we're going back to the casino at 3 am, then driving straight to New Orleans, for the five and a half or however many hours it might take to continue the mayhem down there. Bourbon street sounds like fun to me, and I'm slacking behind my money goal anyway. According to my dayplanner I should've made atleast $750,000 by now... better get to work! On a related note, Jamie posted his second consecutive winning session! Perhaps things are starting to turn around for him finally? He does make Stud 8 or better his bitch.


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