Male underwear model looking for work

So we're standing out by the truck just talking and waiting on Shawn to come with the keys. It's me, Jamie, Billy and Stumpy and we're just chit-chatting. All of a sudden, Jamie interjects, "Man, I really have a great ass." and I look over at him and he's got his hand all the way down his pants grabbing his own ass. Now, I have nothing against people admiring themselves but that was borderline disturbing. He wasn't just, you know, slightly feeling of it he was grabbing that ass like a prisoner who just got out of jail after doing 15 years. If there's any Calvin Klein, Hanes or Fruit of the Loom representative reading this blog call us because Jamie needs work. Actually, we're all pretty much broke so if you're just a freaky old fucker that wants to take pictures of a half-naked dude in your garage we'll send him over for that too.
We were supposed to go to New Orleans this morning, but Billy wanted to play another tournament so he could make the winning hand, muck it and get busted out of the tournament (inside joke) so we ended up staying another day. We're pretty much running out of tournaments to play down there, there's a ladies event left and one more before the main event. They might not let us play the ladies event... hmm...
Online play has been going alright, I haven't played any in the casino. I played a few minor tournaments tonight, won pretty big playing some 3/6 Pot Limit Omaha and 30/60 Omaha 8 or better, but ended up giving away about $1200 in the 30/60 Limit Hold'em game online. If I hadn't played that last limit hold'em session I would've won pretty good for the night, I was trying to play like Tim Burt and raise every god damn hand but I lacked the key element that lets Burt win millions upon millions online, luck. If he would play limit hold'em blindfolded without ever looking at his cards, he'd end up with the same result. He just raises every hand, hits every flop and lands every draw which makes it look pretty easy for him. A little known fact about Tim is that when he plays online on Full Tilt Poker, he actually talked to the administrators of the site and had his "Fold", "Call" and "Check" button removed and instead he's got three buttons that all say "Raise", just incase he ever misclicks.
I ended up having the worst online session in a few months shortly after writing this blog, dropped somewhere around $2200 playing 2/4 no limit 6-max tables getting thoroughly steamrolled and outplayed. It's always frustrating to play when your opponents is always one step ahead of you, raising and reraising me every hand and every time I seem to take a stand or move in on a draw I either miss or they actually have a huge hand. I don't think I've had a losing session this big, while playing stakes this small in a while. Time to go back into donkbusting mode and get energy drinks and cheetos so I can stay up all night and get it back!
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