Chillin' like a villain, rollin' with Bob Dylan
Another day in Sin City, of course you all are waiting to hear about the crazy partying, shooting craps for thousands of dollars, doing lines of coke and spending money on strippers because that's what people in Vegas do, don't they? Well we hung back in the room most of the day, went to eat at Roma Pizza where their buddy Luigi makes like the bestestest pizza in the fucking world and then we went bowling. This is a little too much excitement for a single day but we managed to get it all in there. First we went to Luigis pizza place, and he's pretty damn funny. He let us eat there for free too and makes awesome food. Then we were going to go play bowling but neither Shawn or Jamie have any socks on because that's how they roll. So we had to go back to the room to pick up some socks. They said they're gonna run right up and grab some socks and come back to the car, I was sitting just waiting in the car listening to radio.
About three minutes pass and I get a call from Jamie, "Fuck it, I'm not going bowling, you guys can go by yourselves." Dear Lord, the drama has started again. Ever since about three days ago both Shawn and Jamie have been like two little arguing girls that keep getting into fights over stupid shit, it's retarded. Occasionally out of the blue Shawn will be a smartass to Jamie because of something Jamie did earlier and talk to him like he's a child which Jamie absolutely loves, then Jamie will flip out and has to hold back the urges to slap Shawn and then all of a sudden it's a weird silence when nobody says anything for a couple minutes. If anyone wants to trade friends, you can have these two fucked up crackheads and I'll take two of your friends. If it's a hot chick, I'll trade two for one. I'm not even joking, take these fuckers from me asap.
Shawn can play bowling fairly well, knows how to do Sudoko puzzles super-fast and he is voted New York Metro Areas sexiest unknown man for the third year in a row. He likes long walks bare-foot on the pavement in 108 degree heat and he's a cat lover as a cat coughing up a furball reminds him of Jamies coughing disorder. He likes to call himself pleasantly plump with a hint of naughtiness, for whatever it is worth.
Jamie on the other hand can put twenty quarters in a slot-machine faster than anybody, likes to write romantic notes on his laptop and does 200 sit-ups a day. While he likes to cough up things with a sound that is close to a dying mans last breath he is a very laid back and reasonable person. His motto in life is "don't sweat the small stuff" which can be loosely translated into "don't sweat a fucking thing at all", as nothing short of the world coming to an end tomorrow phases him.

Back to the bowling game, since the Oklahoma Slaughter of '06 as it commonly will be known, when I beat him so badly in pool he still randomly bursts into tears thinking about the beating he recieved, I figured I have to let him win at something. He opened up the first game with a strike, and I of course had to set the tone so he couldn't think he was going to get ahead by bowling a strike myself. Then after this, I more or less decided to take it easy on him... that's my story and I'm sticking to it. He won the first game like 147 to 132, the second 158 to 108 and the last game I fucking forfeited because bowling sucks ass and only faggots bowl. My brother is a swedish pro-bowler so hopefully he won't read this, but incase he does read it, I'm sorry and I still hope you'll buy me a birthday present. After this we went to Wal-Mart and bought ourselves a wireless router as our internet went down over here, so we plugged it up to the wall and connected it and everything worked fine. Then I decided that I want to put a WEP-key on it to prevent other donks from surfing our web. I managed to put the security feature on there so fucking good I locked myself out, it was very smart. "Good job, Swede!" I hear being yelled from Jamie in the other room, "What the fuck Swede, good fucking job" I hear from Shawn. I like my supportive friends. After about ten minutes of struggling with connecting to my own fucking router I manage to figure out what the key I chose for it actually was. I smart boy. Tomorrow I might go and play some, I have played very very little poker here since I got here but tomorrow I think I'm gonna go play. Maybe.
About three minutes pass and I get a call from Jamie, "Fuck it, I'm not going bowling, you guys can go by yourselves." Dear Lord, the drama has started again. Ever since about three days ago both Shawn and Jamie have been like two little arguing girls that keep getting into fights over stupid shit, it's retarded. Occasionally out of the blue Shawn will be a smartass to Jamie because of something Jamie did earlier and talk to him like he's a child which Jamie absolutely loves, then Jamie will flip out and has to hold back the urges to slap Shawn and then all of a sudden it's a weird silence when nobody says anything for a couple minutes. If anyone wants to trade friends, you can have these two fucked up crackheads and I'll take two of your friends. If it's a hot chick, I'll trade two for one. I'm not even joking, take these fuckers from me asap.
Shawn can play bowling fairly well, knows how to do Sudoko puzzles super-fast and he is voted New York Metro Areas sexiest unknown man for the third year in a row. He likes long walks bare-foot on the pavement in 108 degree heat and he's a cat lover as a cat coughing up a furball reminds him of Jamies coughing disorder. He likes to call himself pleasantly plump with a hint of naughtiness, for whatever it is worth.
Jamie on the other hand can put twenty quarters in a slot-machine faster than anybody, likes to write romantic notes on his laptop and does 200 sit-ups a day. While he likes to cough up things with a sound that is close to a dying mans last breath he is a very laid back and reasonable person. His motto in life is "don't sweat the small stuff" which can be loosely translated into "don't sweat a fucking thing at all", as nothing short of the world coming to an end tomorrow phases him.

Now if either of these people interest you and you want to take them off of my hands then by all means give me a call, I would post my phone number but I don't need random freaks calling me in the middle of the night breathing heavy in my ear.Back to the bowling game, since the Oklahoma Slaughter of '06 as it commonly will be known, when I beat him so badly in pool he still randomly bursts into tears thinking about the beating he recieved, I figured I have to let him win at something. He opened up the first game with a strike, and I of course had to set the tone so he couldn't think he was going to get ahead by bowling a strike myself. Then after this, I more or less decided to take it easy on him... that's my story and I'm sticking to it. He won the first game like 147 to 132, the second 158 to 108 and the last game I fucking forfeited because bowling sucks ass and only faggots bowl. My brother is a swedish pro-bowler so hopefully he won't read this, but incase he does read it, I'm sorry and I still hope you'll buy me a birthday present. After this we went to Wal-Mart and bought ourselves a wireless router as our internet went down over here, so we plugged it up to the wall and connected it and everything worked fine. Then I decided that I want to put a WEP-key on it to prevent other donks from surfing our web. I managed to put the security feature on there so fucking good I locked myself out, it was very smart. "Good job, Swede!" I hear being yelled from Jamie in the other room, "What the fuck Swede, good fucking job" I hear from Shawn. I like my supportive friends. After about ten minutes of struggling with connecting to my own fucking router I manage to figure out what the key I chose for it actually was. I smart boy. Tomorrow I might go and play some, I have played very very little poker here since I got here but tomorrow I think I'm gonna go play. Maybe.
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