
The trip to Oklahoma was delayed yet another day, so we went to the casino to play, me and Jamie both. He said he actually felt like playing so I went ahead and went too. We sat down in a $2/5 No Limit game, and I got off to a good start immediately and things were good. I got moved to another table, and yet another table before finally settling down in the main game. It was a very unusual line-up as there were no regulars in the game at all, which is a very good thing. This one guy was trying to give his money away as well as he could, and I think he may have been a professional at it because he dusted off his bankroll faster than Tim goes through $1000 on PokerStars.
That's not a knock on Tim either, since the motherfucker ran up the last $1000 I sent him a week ago to $25,000. I don't know how he does it, I think it's the mentality of going into the highest game you can whenever you can and just hope to run good and not get donked out that is the key to run it up quickly. It is an impressive thing, that's for damn sure.
So anyhow, Jamie only had $180 so I gave him $400 to play on. I didn't tell him this at the time, but I already wrote off the $400 in the "loss" column for the day and put myself in the mindset of being stuck $400 already that I had to get back. I figured investing in Enron was probably a better deal than giving Jamie the money, but I went for it anyway being the sucker that I am. I like those no-win situations like staking Jamie and playing blackjack, my inner masochist gets a kick out of it every time I believe.
To my surprise, he was running over the table, raise, re-raise, I'm all-in! Words I haven't heard him use for months. The only thing I've heard him say for the last three months when playing live are comments like, "I guess you have it, I'll fold." or "Good bet, I can't call." ... or "Aces? Okay, I only have kings, take it..."
First time I heard him say raise I nearly fell out of my fucking chair, I had to take my earbuds out from my iPod to make sure I heard it right so he wasn't just clearing his throat. Two hands later, I heard it again... "raise". I was so thrown off by this that I couldn't find my own game for a good hour, I was stunned. The first time the dealer pushed him a pot it had been so long I think he just stared at the chips for a few seconds, he wasn't really sure what to do with it when the chips were pushed his way. Actually for being so hard on him, I'm just kidding for the most part. He played real good yesterday and right before we left he had a pot when he tripled up. He flopped a queen high flush, the guy next to him flopped a jack high flush, the donkey next to me had one card in the entire deck that could help him (that would give him a straight-flush) and he called off $600 trying to hit that one card. I guess he's one of those people who got a pep-talk from his mom every night about how to reach for the stars, go for the gusto and keep trying in spots where other people would just give up. Newsflash, donkey, your mom wasn't talking about calling off your entire stack with one out.
I also had a great session, people paid me off every time it didn't matter what I did. I picked up my second pair of aces of the night, and raised it to $30 on the button. The man in the blind raises it to $130, I re-raised it to $330. He put it all-in for about $650 total with two tens (10-10) and I called and it held up. Another time it was my turn to get the two tens, the flop came down Q-6-2. He checked and I checked. The turn was my gin card, a ten giving me trips. He over-bet the pot betting like $100 into the $65 pot. I figured he had a big hand, so I raised it up to $300 and he called instantly. The river blanked off and I knew I had the best hand. He checked and told me "How much are you going to bet? Huh? I only have $470, how much are you going to bet?". I was in the middle of trying to see how much I could milk him out of when I realized that wow, I can get all his chips seeing the way how he's talking. I said, "Alright, I'm all-in then." which he called in a flash. He immediately asked, "Do you have the rockets? Are you holding the bullets?" and I said "Nope." and flipped over the tens, he threw away his K-Q and I got a pretty decent pot. This was the same guy that paid off Jamie too on the flush, he was on a mission tonight, he hated money and he was going to get rid of it all.
I ended up winning $2300 and Jamie won $1300 so we really spanked the donkeys tonight. We've been looking into renting a car to drive straight to Vegas instead of Oklahoma first, but it looks like we're taking the Contour over to Oklahoma to play a couple of tournaments then leave for Vegas. As opposed to going to Oklahoma and playing all the tournaments. We still haven't decided anything for sure, of course, because that'd be just too simple. We like making things as difficult as possible.
Now I'm off to get some ice-cream with Shawn, and then perhaps going down to the casino to play a little more.
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