Sweet Southern Comfort

These events may or may not have happened, I'm hoping for the latter but I'm being constantly reminded of the former. Little comments like "How funny was it to see Swede dance last night?!" I don't remember it all, but I'm sure it would've be a night to remember. For some. Not for me. I am thoroughly embarassed to the point where I might never visit New Orleans again, or Louisiana for that matter. Liquor and beer, never fear. That's a bullshit statement if I ever heard one. I was playing some poker up in the poker-room (duh), winning a few hundred but being a little bored. Unfortunately they don't let you use iPods and there's only so much fucking Cajun accent I can take for one trip so it usually drives me insane about an hour into the session and I want to start eating the deck just to prove a point. I'm not entirely sure what it would prove, but it always comes to mind whenever I think about doing something in a rage of frustration. Anyway, so Jamie calls and says lets go to Bourbon, I said I don't know if I feel like it, he said "well come on."
Well shit, when he puts it that way it's hard to argue and I felt like I was talked into going but whatever. I racked up my chips and started walking down to Bourbon thinking I'll just walk down there instead of taking a cab, getting some fresh air and exercise.
About six hours and forty-five minutes later, give or take, I was one exhausted son-of-a-bitch that felt like I just walked an entire marathon twice. The air down here might be some of the worst I've ever smelled as well but that was besides the point, the thought is what counts. I found Jamie sitting at a table at some place by Bourbon and St Louis, it was some cajun restaurant and I saw Jamie sitting with a beer. My first thought is that he must've blown all the money we had on Pacific since the last time I saw him drinking (which supposedly was the first time in 9 years) was after a horrible session on one of my Full Tilt accounts. This catches my attention. I go up and order a beer too and he's in a sorta good mood, wow, maybe he didn't blow three thousand and he is just in a mood to party? Works for me, lets drink!
We ordered some gator bits, some chicken and andouille gumbo and we just got the food when Shawn came in. We offered him some of the gator bits, disguised as chicken strips and waited until he swallowed before we told him. We're good friends like that. Then after that we walked down Bourbon which was absolutely packed, we went to some gay bar and just stood on the balcony upstairs for a while. We're leaning up against the balcony just talking and drinking when Shawn goes "You're being checked out.", I seductively lean the other way and flash the trademarked swedish smile about to say 'what's up there ho... HOLY SHIT that's a big motherfucker!". He had a dress on though, and a mustache... not my cup of tea. We left a little while later to let Jamie pick another bar, and of course, we go to another gay bar. I mean what the fuck, there's only so much of a schlongfest that I can handle at one time so I politely asked in a non-offensive way if we can go to some other fucking place where there's actually women present. This is about when things went wrong for me. In one of the gay bars I started taking shots, and more shots and then red bull and vodka and after that it's all a fucking blur. I went off like a 16 year old having the first drunk, stumbling around and supposedly passing out in various places. That's nice to wake up to. I still am so embarassed it's ridiculous, I'm never drinking again.... ever... ever....
Then after this I wake up with the rooster at about 4pm, to the phone ringing off the hook. It is some woman from the front desk that asks me to come downstairs right now... well, okay then. I walk downstairs and she says we need to get out right now, I said excuse me? She says you're booked in for one night, we have people coming in and you need to pack your things and get out. That pissed me off immediately as I talked to some manager-guy not even three hours earlier making 100% sure that our room was taken care of and everything was fine. She says they're out of rooms and cannot extend us and that the manager I talked to earlier was a figment of my imagination, she didn't technically say the last part but she implied it. We go upstairs and call Harrah's, the casino who takes all the room-reservations and they had us in checking out Tuesday, and while this was all a clusterfuck it was completely priceless to see that fucking bitch of a front desk idiot put on a fake smile and nod while on the phone with the Harrah's manager-on-duty who told her that we are staying another night and everything is fine. I go over to Harrah's later and they apologize and this and that and asked if I wanted to complain about the woman to their supervisor and I said sure, so I told the guy what happened and he said he'd make sure to let her know. So if I wake up tomorrow with bloodstained towels outside the room and a little note saying she lost her job and if I ever leave the hotel I'm dead, tell my mom I love her.
I later sort of found out why she was mad, Billy's woman was down here doing the talking earlier in the morning. The last-name of the front desk woman is Lim, Billy's girlfriend said something along the lines of "Oh I got your name wrong when I talked to the other man, I thought your name was Kim, I thought all asian women were named Kim"
I'm sure that smoothed things over and made for a great customer-hotelfrontdeskwoman relation that will go on for years. I'm not surprised she was mad, I just don't know why she gave me all kinds of weird attitude.
Other than the-day-that-cannot-be-mentioned-again things are good, poker is up and down and on the last three days the sessions have been -850, +1350, +350, -900 so I'm pretty much close to even. It sucks balls. I'm down for the entire trip though thanks to donking some off online and the hotelrooms and the supersatellites and so on, but oh well. We're headed home on Tuesday, might stop by Philadelphia, MS and then go back home. Then it's off to the Scotty Nguyen tournaments in Oklahoma, I feel like I'm going to win a big tournament soon, I'm due!
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