Thursday, May 25, 2006

I blew it.

Another poker only entry summarizing the few hours of the main event in New Orleans.

I woke up at 10 and got ready to go down to the casino as it was scheduled to start at 11 am. I make it down with a few minutes to spare and I drew a table full of donkeys, I mean there was not a single person at the table that could play a lick. I was very happy to draw a table without any pros to start things off. I wasn't nervous at all, I was nervous as hell the night before but as soon as I walked in, sat down and got my chips everything was fine. I definitely felt like the best player at my table no problem, as long as I wouldn't run into something stupid or donk it off I'd be fine. I decided I was gonna take the first hour and just take it easy and try to figure out if any of these guys actually could play.

They did the introduction, went through the rules and sang the national anthem before they uttered the famous phrase "Shuffle up and deal!" and the cards were in the air. I didn't play a single hand for the first 50-60 minutes, not one. The blinds were 25/50 and you started with T$10,000. Seat 7 opened up from the cutoff for $250, very loose/aggressive man in the 8 seat on the button re-raises to $700. I look down at two kings in the big blind. I think about how to play the hand and I decide I'm re-raising the hand, and if he comes over the top I'll have to let it go. I made it $1800 and the original raiser quickly folded, the old man thinks for a while and just flat-calls. The flop came down 7d-3d-3h and that seemed like a good flop for me, I'm not entirely sure what he's got yet but it is definitely big. Jacks, queens or aces is pretty much what I have him on. I bet $2500, the man thinks for quite a while. He finally asks me "Did you hit any of that?" and I said "Yes, I hit the 3."... he thought some more, played with his chips and finally said "Alright, I'm all-in." I asked for a count and it was $3925 more. If I folded the hand, I'd have 5100 left if I called and lost I'd have roughly $1200. I thought that he hesitated so long he might have queens on this hand, or even A-K of diamonds or something like that. I called and he flips up two aces and I'm drawing pretty dead. He wins, obviously and I lose 90% of the chips in one hand. I was so frustrated with running into that as I had such high hopes for this event. I took a walk for a while to try and calm down. I felt like it was already over because I had no chips left whatsoever but still thought if I double up twice maybe I have a shot.

I get back to the table, and as soon as it was my blind I posted my $50. Seat 5 raised to $150, I look down at 7-7 and I call. Flop came down 10-7-3 with two clubs, I check. He bet $250 and I just called. Turn came a 6, I checked again and he bets $250 again, I raise all-in the few chips I had left and he calls with 9-9 and I double through.

I played the regular short-stack poker because I was so ridiculously short I had no maneuvering-room whatsoever. I end up getting A-Q all-in preflop against 5-3 of spades when I re-raised his raise and he called me for some strange reason. It held and I was up to $3800. I thought that maybe I have a shot now, just one more double-through. The last hand before the second break, I pick up A-K of diamonds. Blinds are 50/100 and one guy limps in, I make it $500 total, everybody folds to the blind who calls. Flop came down As 10h 4s. He checks, I bet $600 and he calls. Turn was an offsuit Jack, a card I didn't like at all. He checks and I check behind. River is a harmless deuce, and the flushdraw missed. He bets $1500 and I decide that after showing weakness and checking behind on the turn he could have done the same with A-9, K-10 anything really. A missed flushdraw, whatever. I called and he showed J-10 for two-pair and I was back down to $1200. If I had won that hand, atleast I'd be back over $5000.

I go on break, come back shortly after that and blinds are 100/200 now. I move in twice and pick up the blinds and antes and I have about $1800 when Gavin Smith gets moved to my table into seat 8, I'm in seat 10. He brought about $36,000 in chips with him too. He right off the bat started raising a ton of pots, probably 7 out of 10 pots. I end up moving in on his raise with K-K against his A-3 and I double through up to $4300 total after picking up some chips on an un-called all-in previously. We then go on another break and come back to 100/200 with a 25 ante. Gavin goes wild and starts opening five pots in a row taking them down uncontested. I figure he's going to just keep running the table, as he's up to $63,000 at this point after breaking the guy on my right and he's just taking over. He raises to $700 again and I look down at KQ of spades, while not a great hand at all I figured I don't give Gavin credit for anything really in this spot, so I'd be in a coinflip at worst. I look at my chips and realize it's $2925 more to him which might make him fold most junk hands he'd open with. I move all-in and it folds to him, he asks how much more, and I respond with "2925.", he takes the $2925 in chips in his hand and he thinks about it for a second then throws it out there and calls. I didn't like that too much obviously. He flips up 5-5 and it's a coinflip. Flop J-6-3 turn 2 river some blank I don't even remember and I bust out. Amazingly frustrating because I never had a shot after donking it off with K-K against A-A early. I just hope I get a chance to play one again because I definitely want a shot to play in an event like that again with a deep-stack structure and not have to be a ridiculous shortstack the entire time.


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