Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Cowboys and Indians

We finally made it to Oklahoma. It took a little while before we got here, but we're finally here. We left Tunica at about 3 AM on Sunday morning in the car I've got, a Ford Contour. We made it about 30 miles when the power in the car went out for a split-second and came back on again, we decided if we can't make it out of the county line then we might as well not try to make it to Nevada. We turned around, and of course Jamie was tired as he always is so he went to take a nap while me and Shawn drove to Memphis' airport to rent a car. Since we both are all for the economical version and nothing flashy or extravagant we decided we'd rent a Ford Pinto if we had to just to save a couple hundred bucks. That lasted about half a minute when we entered the parking lot of the place we rented the car from. I saw a car I thought was so badass that I really thought we should get it, it was a gray Dodge Magnum that rides extremely nice. The car itself was $880 as opposed to $720 for their cheapest version, it was supposed to be even more than that since it was in their super premium class of cars or whatever but the crooked guy behind the counter did inform us that he indeed took bribes if we wanted to rent it cheaper.

Normally you have to add $25 a day for being an under 25 years old driver, and since I'm 23 that would pose a problem. Both Shawn and Jamie are older, but neither have a credit card, he said he'd make me 25 years old plus upgrade our car-class for $75. I slipped him $75 under his notepad and he made things happen. We took off in the car and I ended up driving it up to Jamies buddys lakehouse an hour outside of Tulsa. This could have been the bitter end, for me anyhow, since at the lakehouse his buddy Frankie has a death-defying machine known as a Banshee.

The infamous Banshee

It's a four-wheeler that has no problems running up to 90mph on a dirt road. Jamie of course, being the crazy lobotomized dare-devil that he is (the same guy that thinks commercial airlines are dangerous) offered me to ride on the back while he took ol' Banshee out for a spin. As much as I love putting my life into somebody elses hands on a machine that looked just as badass as the name implies, I had to pass. Jamie would have none of that of course, and before I knew it was on the back of the four-wheeler from hell hanging on for dear life while Jamie tried to see if he could match the speed of sound by riding that thing about as hard as it would let him. This wasn't all of it though, he decided he wanted to do wheelies too. That sounds like fun... a lot of fun to watch, less fun to sit on the back wondering when the fuck we are going to tip over and how much it would hurt to land on my back with Jamies ass squashing me together with the Banshee all while doing about 50 mph on a dirt road. I said a silent prayer and he started pulling some wheelies through several gears, which was quite impressive and I probably would've given him an applause if my hands weren't shaking so badly.

We went to eat with Frankie and then said bye as we went to Tulsa, to find ourselves a room. The first two nights we stayed at the Hampton Inn as the Cherokee Resort was completely full. The poker room is in the Cherokee Resort so it'd be much nicer to stay there, we figured. I was so exhausted I slept 16 hours straight once we got to the hotel room, and got up to play the following day. The play here is extraordinarily bad, I have to say. I played some $2/5 no limit hold'em and the very first hand I play I get bluffed by some complete moron after I mis-played the living shit out of my own hand. I lost about $180 in the hand, which wasn't a big deal. I had bought in originally for five hundred and I added another five since I realized that I like this table. A couple hands later I pick up 7-7 and call a raise, flop comes down 10c 7c 5h and I check, the old man checks and the bluffing moron I've been wanting to catch for a while bets $40. I just smooth-call the $40 and the old man says, "I raise." This was music to my ears, he made it $140 and the bluffing moron (BF) thought forever before he folded. I pushed all-in, the old man quickly called with Kc 4c for a flush-draw. The flush hit right on the turn and I didn't fill up on the river so I was stuck $1000 right off the bat. I ended up losing another $200 and was stuck $1200 at this point with only three hundred left infront of me. I picked up a lot of small pots and I had my stack up to about six hundred when BF raised another pot to 55, he got two callers and I looked down at two kings. I decided to raise it big right here with so many people in the pot, I made it 300 to go and BF thought forever before folding. The next guy folded two queens face-up and all that were left was an asian kid who called me. The flop came down 10 high with two spades, he checked to me, I went all-in and he folded. BF later confided he had the other two queens so I was in quite the spot, but I didn't know it. They both supposedly had two queens and were drawing near dead, that sucks.

Enough poker specific talk, I ran my stack up to 1500 again and I was even and as soon as I got even I quit. Jamie won a pretty big hand on his table and doubled through and left his table winning 400. I also played a sit'n'go that I took down, it was a winner take all format for $65 buy-in where winner took $550. I won that one, and put down a mental note to play more of those, as they were completely fucking horrendous at playing those things. It might be the weakest competition I've seen. You get $500 in tournament dollars to use to play a tournament and fifty dollars cash for winning.

Then after this, we went shopping in the local mall. The mall here in Tulsa was pretty big, and I saw some real nice stuff that I liked so I ended up buying a couple shirts, pants, two pairs of super comfortable Diesel shoes that Jamie said I had to try on. Once I tried them on, I had to get them. They are very very comfortable. We went back to the hotel to watch a movie but I passed out about 20 minutes into the movie because I was tired, for some reason getting up semi-early makes me pass out at about midnight without a problem. The beds at the Hampton Inn were nice too, which helped. Just ask Shawn how nice they were! (Since we're 3 people in two beds, Shawn sleeps on the floor, he doesn't want to cuddle in the bed for some reason...)

I'm now writing this blog from the Cherokee Resort, Jamie knew some guy working here who hooked us up big-time. For the same amount we paid for a regular room at the Hampton Inn we now have a pimp-ass suite right at the Resort. It has a wet-bar, a nice entertainment center, big couch and the colors in the suite are really nice. I like the hell out of this place, I might move in here for ever and ever.

I probably forgot about a hundred funny anecdotes that happened so I'll just either edit this later or post a new one, I'm going to take myself a little nap as I just got done busting out of a $330 tournament downstairs. I didn't last through the first level, I never won a hand either, it kind of sucked. I don't blame how I went out, I'd play the hand the same every time just couldn't win the coin-flip.


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