Thursday, June 22, 2006

Getting donked left and right

Right now is one of those times. I haven't put in hardly any hours at the tables at all. Me and Jamie went down to Bellagio to play, Jamie gets stacked fairly early and leaves and I stay to play a little longer having a targetted donk in mind that is waiting to give his money away. To make a long story short and not have this to be too much about poker, I have K-10, he has 10-7, the flop comes 10-5-2 and we get $500 a piece in on the flop (The fact that I do this with my subpar hand is the fact that he's a stone cold retard), a 7 peels off right on the turn and ships him the slightly above $1000 pot. It's just par for the course for the last couple of weeks.

Then we went over to leave and Jamie introduced me to Mike Laing. I've read stories about Mike Laing way before I ever met Jamie and I read about him in the book 'The Professor, The Banker and the Suicide King" which features a really cool story about Mike Laing and how good of a guy he is. Anyhow, he introduces me to him and we talk for a little bit when Mike tells us a story. He goes, "Look over at that table", he points and we look. I sat over there and ate two kings. Jamie goes, "You did what?"... "I ate two kings"... "What did you say?".. "I ate a pair of kings"

Jamie goes, "Shit that's what I thought you said I just didn't think I heard you right!"... then he proceeds to tell us a story about how he lost a $6000 pot with two kings and got so mad he was just staring at his two cards in his hand. The dealer told him, "Mike, you gotta give me the cards back"... "No"... "Mike, give me the cards back"... "No"... then he tears them up in little pieces, stuffs them in his mouth and tries to swallow it down with a shot of jack. Apparently they get caught in his throat and he ends up trying to throw them back up in the bathroom and he's unable to. He takes a plastic coathanger, bends it up and stuffs it down his throat and that doesn't work either. He goes for some other thing he made into a hook and starts jabbing around in his throat when he sees blood. Uh-oh, time to go to the hospital. He went to the hospital and got everything taken care of etc but the story was fucking funny. Mike Laing is by far one of the funniest characters I've ever ran into.

We drive back home and get some food then I get on the computer to play some online. I normally get quite upset when I lose money for a longer period of time but I felt surprisingly fine, I keep getting my money in good spots and eventually it has to turn around. I get online and I have a terrible session of suck-outs online and I was really getting frustrated. For you people that play poker, have you ever had the feeling when you get dealt two aces that your pulse goes up like it does mine sometimes when I flop a set in a big pot? Just because you're afraid you're going to get stacked? I always wish someone makes a bet so I can just move all-in and close my eyes. How every flop I see I think to myself, "Oh god he flopped , I must be dead."

It doesn't matter what happens I always expect the worst, takes a little bit of the fun out of it. I've been up playing for about two hours and goofed around for another five hours just chatting to people online and reading myspace and crap like that. If I can just go to sleep and wake up in a few hours, me and Jamie are giving the Bellagio another shot I think. Take care.


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