Friday, June 30, 2006

Poker, crazy people and a funny story about gambling

Yesterday was a pretty exciting day, I played a few satellites with no luck and then sat down in a cashgame. It was a $2/5 NL hold'em with $500 max buy-in and it was four other people playing. I sat down and shortly after I sat down, the guy from New York on my right yelled to his buddy "Hey man, seat open, come play!"

A little while later his friend sat down to play, and he was insanely loud and drunk. It didn't take but two minutes before the guy from New York started saying "jesus fucking christ I told you to come play with us I didn't ask to you come and talk to me, sit at the other fucking end of the table, will ya?"

It was all pretty funny. The drunk guy was raising every single pot. He'd either bet $25 or $35 on every flop after raising pre-flop, I called him down once before after he bet $25 and he wasn't holding anything so somehow it made me wonder if the bet-size was a tell or if it was a complete coincidence. A little while later, he raised it to $25 and I had 4-2 of hearts on the button. I called many of his raises with various hands just hoping to play a big pot since he was a loose cannon. The flop came K-Q-2 and he checked, I checked too. Turn was an 8 and he bet $25, I wanted to test my theory so I called. River was a 7. He fired out $100. All I have is bottom-pair no kicker, but I really thought unless he flopped trips he wouldn't check the flop and bet the turn with that weird bet, then overbet the river. I decided to call, he flipped up A-J for ace high and my pair of deuces won. This set him off totally. He started talking about how incredibly horrible I am. He said "You play so bad, I can't understand it, do you have any idea what you are doing at all?"

I replied, "I'm trying my best sir, it's my first time playing"... he said "I can see that, you are playing horrible, there was a king and a queen on board and I bet a hundred dollars, what do you think I had?"

I said "I guess you had me beat, huh?" this is when his buddy from New York chimes in, "Hey he had a pair of deuces, you can't fold a pair of deuces, deuces never loses remember?" to which I said "That saying must be true for some reason, right?" He said "You keep playing like that kid I'm going to bust you, you have no chance, I'm going to teach you a lesson."

He kept going on and on about how he was going to bust me because I was such a horrible player, and I was laughing so hard. A couple orbits later, I pick up 2-2 (Isn't it ironic?) and he's in the pot. Flop comes down Q-3-2. I check, lady on my left bets $15, the maniac who hates me raised to $60, I reraise to $250, lady calls allin for like $130 and the maniac can't wait to get all his chips in the pot and says all-in. I say I call. There's two clubs on the board, and he asks me, "Do you have a club-draw? Huh kid? Are you on the flushdraw?" and I just said "No" he said "Well I have two pair"

Turn come a 6 river come an 8 and he proudly shows me 3-2 offsuit for bottom two pair, I show 2-2 and rake in a big pot. He really taught me a lesson in that one too. He flips out again. "Why didn't you tell me you had a set, huh? Why didn't you tell me you fucking asshole I asked if you had a flushdraw"

"I didn't know it was called a set, first time playing, remember?" and then he calmed down for a second and said "Nice hand, nice hand see that's how you're supposed to take losing like I just did say nice hand and walk away"

Well, walk away he did and therefore I went to a new game too. I sat down in another game and started playing and not only five minutes later, the maniac comes and sits down two on my left. He said "I want you!" and pointed at me and he said, "I'll play you heads-up for $50,000 if you want, I'm going to follow you around all night whatever table you go to I will go to" by now this was starting to get really funny. A girl was sitting inbetween me and him and he kept telling her how he was going to teach her about poker. He managed to go through $500 six times at our table as he kept losing and rebuying and rebuying and rebuying. On one hand the girl on my left busted him in a big hand and he started yelling that women don't belong at the poker table, they belong in the kitchen and nowhere else. He was just horribly bad and such an asshole, I still thought it was so funny. Jamie kept saying he has played with him before and he can't even play with him because he just wants to punch him, I don't mind his shit-talking, he's such a horrible player I'd play with him every day if I could so sometimes you gotta put up with some shit-talk I guess :)

I also had a really good story told to me by Joe Bartholi Sr. He's a dealer that works there amongst other places and his son was the man who won the WPT 25k championship. Anyway, he said that back in 1976, I believe this was, Eric Drache and some man who was the leader of the mob were playing $400/800 Stud. The kicker was Eric Drache was playing with his holecards face-up the entire time, that was the edge that he was spotting him. Joe had just gone broke and needed money, and the manager asked him if he would deal the game for half an hour for a hundred bucks. Joe said that he needed money so he could go gamble it up to make more money, to pay back the money that he had to borrow so he could gamble earlier! So of course, he jumped in the box and started dealing. On one hand, in six cards Eric Drache had made a flush and the mob guy had made a full-house. Eric's flush, of course, was fully visible while the mob guy still had a hidden full house as his two down-cards actually were face-down. They started betting, "bet, raise, re-raise, re-raise, re-raise" all the way around the table he said. They made a whole circle around the table with chips from the raises and in the meantime Joe, who was extremely tired had fallen asleep in the box dealing. The mob guy yelled "Dealer, deal the next card you motherfucker" and Joe jumped up to attention and he accidently made the top card flip from on top of the deck over his shoulder and land behind him. Now the hand is void and it was a mis-deal. He said the mob guy jumped on him and said he was going to kill him, he grabbed him by the throat and was dunking his head into the chip-tray infront of him while Drache and the manager tried to get him off of him. He said if he ever saw Joe back in there again he would kill him, and apparently that was the kind of guy that was serious about it. Joe said every time he went to work after this he would sneak back in to make sure the mob guy never saw him, and he always requested he wouldn't have to deal at the table the mob guy was playing at.

I love those gambling stories from the old days and that was a really good one too, or so I thought anyway. I just woke up and it's midnight, and I'm about to go back down to the Rio. Shawn said that the next time I'll see him around and I'll be asking Jamie where he is, he'd be at the final table with John Hennigan and Doyle Brunson he said. This would probably be right before the three massive security guards escorts him out and tells him to stop bothering the fucking players, or the day hell freezes over, which ever comes first.


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