Playing cards and "Summer Girls"

I went down to the Rio and I started playing some satellites, I only played three of them but I chopped one, outright won one and got a bit unlucky in the third. I am at least playing very good right now so got my hopes up for tomorrows $1500 NL event. I just hope I won't bust early to something ridiculous and get disappointed.
So I sit and play, and I've got Jamies iPod on, right? This in itself is interesting because he has the widest variety of music on it and when you put it on random it's gets interesting. He has everything from country, to rock, to white supremacy bullshit to slow songs. I'm sitting there playing poker and got through listening to something when the LFO song "Summer Girls" play for like the third or fourth time. It's an alright song until I really started paying attention to the lyrics, I mean what the fuck? Do you know the song I'm talking about? The one that was a hit like a whole bunch of years ago.
"New Kids on the Block had a bunch of hits. Chinese food makes me sick. I think it's fly when girls stop by for the summer, for the summer. I like girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch, I'd take her if I had one wish...."
Besides the last sentence nothing makes sense. Can you jump anymore from fucking subject to subject? I'm sitting there trying to break the chips with my hand and totally absorbed in this idiotic fucking song that just pisses me off when I get the dealer to ask me what I'm doing and I literally turn around and go "WHAT?" in a pissed off tone before I realize that I was actually at a poker table. Sorry bud.
It's like later on in the lyrics, "Fell deep in love but now we ain't speakin', Michael J Fox was Alex P Keaton. When I met you I said my name was Rich, you look like a girl from Abercrombie and Fitch."
I MEAN WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH THESE LYRICS. It drives me insane. It doesn't make sense, at all. I now want to find these LFO fuckers and run them over three times over because they made such an insanely retarded song that I can't get out of my head. I caught myself in the shower taking a shower singing the song and I had to resist the urge to slap the shit out of myself. God it is so annoying.
That was a lot of anger all at once, I feel better already. This is better than therapy, cheaper at least. We're sitting here right now talking to Nathan back in Tunica, he's feeling lonely. He's on Tims computer and Tims spacebar is broken and it is absolutely hilarious
Of course I had to be fucking with him so I started typing the same way back, me and Jamie were rolling laughing. It was funny as hell for some reason, poor little Chucky left all alone back in Tunica. If anyone wants to adopt him I think he's for sale, he doesn't have any real qualities to speak of but he has nice facial hair. It grows quickly too. Just messing with you Chuckypoo, you know I loves ya.
I'm going to get some sleep now as the tournament kicks off in nine hours and I'm hoping to win it, just don't come back here and read a thread title named "FUCK" but instead one that is something like "Chipleader going into day two."
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