Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunday, bloody Sunday!

Nothing like the Sunday majors online and a six-pack of beer right after waking up! So I decide to go all out today and play everything in sight, because I felt lucky. (Hah!) Actually it was more an act of desperation as I need to win the Sunday million to get even for last two weeks.

So the itinerary for the night was $215 on Stars, $215 Second Chance, $55 Freezeout, $216 on Full Tilt and a $75 freezeout on Full Tilt.

$215 Sunday Million on PokerStars: 778th for $267
$215 Second Chance: OUT early
$55 Freezeout: 8th for $738
$75 Freezeout: OUT
$216 on Full Tilt: 83rd for $612

So ladies in gentleman, keep your tray tables in an upright position, fasten your seat-belts because looking back at past Sundays... we are for a bumpy ride.

I start off well in the Sunday million playing very aggressively, one of my key hands early was reraising a button raise with JJ and having him push over the top and me calling him. He showed AJ and I fade the ace and get a nice starting stack. I win another one when I flat-call a raise with 10-8 of clubs (my favorite hand!) on the button, flop top pair and a flushdraw and move him in when he bets big on the flop. I took that one down without a showdown. A little later than that I take down a 17200 pot with 2-2 and I'm sitting just over 40k. I lose a really big pot to Nordberg as average was no more than 24-25k at this point. He raises minimum to 2400, I call with QJ of hearts. He had 30k entering the hand I had 48k. Flop is A-10-8 with two clubs. He bets 3600. I really thought this was just a stab bet at the flop to see where he was at, my thinking was unless he flopped a set or two pair somehow he would have to let go to a raise. Just to make sure though, I raised big enough to commit myself incase he pushes over the top since I have a double bellybuster and I don't want to raise... say 9k and have to fold to a push because I'm not getting the right price. I raise to 12000, he raises allin for 16k more. I'm hating life and make the call getting 3,5 to 1 and he shows a set of aces. Good read, Swede. Ship the sherbert to the luckbox that won the New Orleans WSOP, Nordberg! Just kidding, he plays great too. Where's the 9 on the river when you need it god damnit?

I then go into shortstack ninja mode, just float around, pick up some small pots here and there just making stabs at pots and get myself back up to 40k, lose back down to 23k. Then I have 88 in the small blind, Nordberg has become a shortstack and pushes the button. His range is huge, and I know that, so I make the call for half my chips. He has A-9. Flop is A-9-8 turn is a 9 and my moment of happiness on the flop is taken away and I'm crippled down to 10k. Then I go on a minirush picking up 10-10, A-8, 10-10 again, Q-10 of hearts and AQ all in the span of 5 hands.

Gowon collected 7080 from pot
Gowon collected 7080 from pot
Gowon collected 7080 from pot
Gowon collected 3480 from pot (my big blind)
Gowon collected 7080 from pot

Then I'm up to 27k without a showdown. I then move in A-10, 88 and 65s (from the button) and I'm up to 34k. I move in A4 in the cutoff and pick up another pot, then I lose a crippling pot when I reraise allin out of the big blind against a raiser. He calls with JJ, I have AK. The flop is A-K-Q... turn 4 and river the ugliest 10 in the deck. He wins the 74k pot and I'm in really bad shape. I'm left with 2300 after that hand. I call all-in next hand with J9 and quadruple up to 10k. Then I'm forced to post 4800 out of my 10000 in the big blind and call of the remaining 5200 with J8 up against AJ and I went home. I cash for like $360 but it's frustrating not getting deeper.

The $55 freezeout I felt I played very well, 560-570 entrants $7100 for first. With 16 left a hyper aggressive player raised the button, I reraised out of the blind with AJ, he instapushes. I had raised him twice before and he laid down and I sensed he was getting tired of it, I realized as soon as I reraised him this was a horrible move because I felt he was gonna push a wide range of hands. I gave him any ace, any K-10 or better, any pair and of course include all the big hands. I thought about it for a long time, it was 42000 more for me to call with a 60k stack and there was 84000 in the middle. The pot laid me exactly 2:1. If I win this I'm big chipleader and if I lose I'm close to out, I decide to take the call hoping he'll show me KQ or 99 or something but he has AK and I lose the pot. Down to 16k. I double up a couple times when I get KK against K7 and KK against KQ. I make the final table as a really short stack. I move in AQ and double up, couple hands later I get 99 UTG+1 and I have 40k with blinds at 3000/6000 to me that is an easy push, guy behind instacalls and shows AA and I'm out for $738.

I bust in the second chance and the $75, never getting any luck and I'm still in the Full Tilt tournament. I'm currently sitting at 27360 with 500/1000-125 ante and average at 19000. 64th out of 345 with 306 spots paying.

UPDATE: I managed to blow it in the Full Tilt tournament too. I got a ton of chips after being at 30k, having a guy raise to 4500, one reraise to 9000 I push allin with AA and get a call from KK and I'm up to 75k. Then I blind off literally through three chip levels blinding all the way from 75k to 36k never playing a hand, not a single hand. I had the most aggressive table in the history of online poker as we never saw a hand without at least two raises. The chip #1, 2 and 4 were on the table too so there was no room to steal since these guys were looking everybody up. Of course, I don't take this in mind when I bust. I run down to 30k I push allin with A-4, pick up 10k in blinds and antes, I pick up QQ and I push allin pick up another 10k. I'm sitting at 49k when the hand that busts me occurs. The blinds are 2000/4000 and I post 4000 in the big blind, leaving me with 45000.

A new player who just got moved to the table with a ton of chips raises to 12000 in early position, a total donkey who fucked off the chiplead and is now sitting at 1/4 what he had before flatcalls, I have A-3 in the BB. I sit and think about what to do, there's 36000 in the middle from blinds, antes and the raises. If I move in it will be a raise of 33000 to them and they don't necessarily have to call. If I get past the first guy, I think I'll be fine, I thought the second guy was weak and could very well have a weak ace or KQ/KJ/QJ. He saw a LOT of flops with mediocre hands including calling a raise with K9 of clubs earlier. I push all-in. The first guy folds immediately the second guy insta-calls without hesitation. He has 44. He catches a 4 right off the bat so there's no sweat and he gets the 120k pot.

Now, I do like my play except in this situation. I just got through explaining what a poor player this guy was, and that isn't bitterness speaking, he was thoroughly awful. He stacked off from 180k to 20k just check calling with mediocre hands and he had just gotten some chips back, and I knew he wasn't going to fold. He'd call KJ there, he'd call KQ there, he'd call A9 there he'd call everything. There was not a chance in hell he would fold anything, no matter what it was. None, zero, zip, nada. I should've realized this and passed on to a better spot, but I thought this was a great opportunity to double up without a showdown but alas I realize that I just became guilty of FPS (Fancy Play Syndrome) when I over-think too much and give people credit for being thinking poker players which I know he's not, so all in all it was a horrible play and I deserved to bust. Another tournament I went deep in and another horrible result. I cannot play end-game tournaments at all, last time I won an online tournament discounting the headsup tournament since I don't count that into multitable tours... was in June. That is nothing short of pitiful.


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