Friday, November 17, 2006

That might've been the best NL $2/5 I've played in.

I played a while yesterday. It was Jessicas birthday and we had a hotel room set up just as a getaway thing so I was just gonna play a couple of hours until she got here. I win a pot early when I turn a straight with J-10 on a Q-9-8-3 board and I raise him from $70 to $200 on the turn and he folded, so I was up a little bit from that. I originally bought in for $1000. I have one hand against this kind of wild crazy guy named Dave, he raises it to $15 in EP... a couple callers, I have 6-7 in the BB and I call. Flop is Q-Q-8 with two diamonds, I don't have a diamond. Everybody checks. Turn is a 5. I check, he bets $35, one guy calls... I'm thinking at least one of them has a queen and if I can hit an offsuit 4 or 9 I might hit it big.

My wish is granted, and the offsuit 4 rolls off for a no-flush board of 4-5-8-Q-Q. I check, Dave bets $115. I raise to $380. He thinks for a while, starts talking to me asking if I have a queen, then he says "I raise.", I didn't like that one bit. He raises it $600. I go into the tank big time on this one, he looks very comfortable with his hand and I somehow think he flopped 8's full with 88. He might've had 55, I do feel like he had me beat though. The way I played the hand and being out of the blind, me having Q-8 or Q-5 or Q-4 isn't unlikely so I doubt he'd reraise me with KQ or AQ. I decide to muck, face-up. Table starts talking about what a bad fold that was and that I had him, Dave doesn't show his hand... I feel better about it now because he is the type of guy that would've shown a big bluff. I turn off my ipod, still having my earplugs in and I overhear him leaning to the guy on his right saying "I can't believe he folded, I'm supposed to get paid" so I felt better about it. It's not a hard fold by any means but he's a reckless person so had to factor that in, but I felt I did the right thing.

After that I am stuck a little bit, I pick up a pot when I flop A-9-7 after it being raised to $50 preflop and I had 99. I actually get paid off in this hand when the 7 pairs on the turn giving me 9's full and he moves all-in on the blank river with QQ. I couldn't believe it. He called my flop raise, my turn bet and then moved in on the river. I even thought about it for a while on the river thinking he has aces full (I raised to $25 preflop he mini-raised to $50 so I knew he was big) I decided that if he has it he has it and I called.

Then I lose a disgusting pot that drove me to drinking. This one guy in the four seat was playing so bad. Many times he had top pair no kicker and he limped in every pot, making lots of bets. I call a small raise with 97 of clubs, couple callers and Dave checks in the BB. Flop is 7-3-2. Dave leads for $50, I call, the four seat calls. I'm thinking to myself roll off a 9 and let me play a big pot with Dave. An offsuit 9 rolls off on the turn and I start thinking this poker shit is easy, just think of whatever card you want and it'll come. Dave checks, I knew the four seat would bet anything if he had the chance he was just the kind of guy that you can always count on betting if checked to. He was horrible. I check to him intending to checkraise and hopefully trapping Dave in the middle, he obliged by betting $250 I think it was. I miniraise to $500 leaving him with only $140 behind. He calls. J rolls on the river and while it looks harmless I had a weird feeling when the card hit, I was thinking please don't show me J-9. I bet $100 he just calls and rolls over J-3 and I was pretty disgusted. Budweiser on table 8, please.

Now remember Jessica had her birthday and I was supposed to leave? She comes up to the poker room and sits down and she says she needs a drink anyway, so while she orders it I make her a deal that I'll give her part of my eventual winnings if I can stay about two hours and try to get even because I was stuck about $700 when she came in. I re-load for another $1500 and I'm in the game for $2500 when I start playing a little faster to catch up.

I had a sick sick pot with an asian guy who called $40 preflop after I raise with J-10 of diamonds. Flop is 9-4-3 I bet $75 he calls, turn is an 8 I bet $140 he calls, river pairs the board and I give up and check, he checks too. Instead of mucking my jack high like I normally do I turn it faceup, he thinks for a while, looks at my hand, looks at the board... then throws his hand in. Jack high good, ship it!

I have another amazing pot I gotta share, I call $75 preflop with QJ of diamonds. Loose call but we were playing very deepstacked and I loved post-flop play against these guys. 5 people take a flop ($380 in the pot). Flop is Q-5-3 rainbow. First guy leads out for $100, two guys call $100 I decide to call too. Turn is a 2 putting two clubs on the board, pot is $780. I check, first guy leads again for $100, same four seat guy who is a horrible player I didn't think it meant anything at all. Next guy calls, asian guy calls. The pot is now $1080. I start thinking these fuckers are just way too weak, if somebody had a set they would've raised the turn surely. I thought maybe there's a KQ out there but other than that I thought I could move them off the hand, I announce raise and toss my hundred in. I make it $550. First guy thinks for a long ass time before he folds, next guy starts talking to me saying he's got me beat, I keep talking back trying to go with the "a talkative relaxed and comfortable guy usually likes his hand" kind of thing so I sit and chat with him while he's trying to figure out if he can call, then the floor man comes over and says we gotta stop talking while we're in the hand. So he finally folds reluctantly, the asian guy starts thinking even harder. He finally calls. Hand... cookiejar... caught.... I really thought he had KQ and after the pot is so big I didn't think I could fire another barrel on the river. Pot now has over $2000 in it, and he's got another 500-600 behind. I decide to check the blank river, he thinks for a while and gives up and checks, I show my hand... the table goes nuts after seeing what I raised with, asian guy taps the table and mucks. Another budweiser on table 8 for the maniac swede.

I end up coming back and winning about $700 in the game, giving Jess a $200 share for staying the extra two hours then we went back to the room. Jacuzzi suite is the absolute nuts. King size bed, huge jacuzzi that my 6'2" self can stretch all the way out in and enough room for about four people. It was awesome.


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