Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Oops, I did it again.

I haven't posted in a long time and this entry is going to be purely about poker. Today I don't have many good news to tell however, so it will end up being just another bad beat (bad play?) entry! I played the monthly Sunday tournament at the Goldstrike. I managed to finish 7th for around $1450 or something like that, even though I held the chiplead for most of the last three hours of the event. I made a couple of errors, I guess, mainly in not following up my raises by calling re-raises when I probably should've. I then ran a little bad in showdowns too in the allin confrontations going 0 for 4 in the last four allins, so all in all I guess it is an ok finish.

Today I managed to pull another patented swede special. I sit down in the $1/2 NL game with $300. I make a few hands early and get it up to about $700 and change when I switch tables. On the new table I just start making every hand. I play at least 60% of the pots and I end up making so many two pairs and straights and flushes I was making myself sick. I had one fun pot against the dealer Vince from the Horseshoe. He straddles it for $4 on the button, I'm in middle position with 1o-5 of hearts. I'm about to muck my hand when he yells "Swede!" and points at his straddle, basically trying to get me to raise it, since I had every other time. I said, alright! and I threw $22 out there. I got three callers and one was Vince Flop was K-6-5 rainbow, no hearts. I basically totally bricked the flop. First two guys checks, I take a stab bet of $60 into the pot and Vince calls. I'm done with a hand unless I improve. Turn is a 10. I bet $120, he calls immediately. River is an 8. I decided to check and he checks behind and I show that ugly monster of a hand. I could've valuebet the river I suppose but I honestly felt bad about how many pots I beat him out of, I really did. I kept sucking out left and right.

So it didn't take more than four or so hours and I had ran my $300 up to about $2400. Of course, being $2100 winner and having 7 times your buy-in in pure profit should be good for most people? Not me. You can see where this story is heading.

I was sitting next to Austin, I had just peaked my chipstack in the highest of the night when he gets up to talk to a buddy. I lose a brutal hand when I call $20 preflop after I had straddled on the button with 6-7 of diamonds. Five people take the flop and it is $100 in the pot preflop. Flop is 7-7-3. The semi tight youngish guy leads out for $25. I immediately make it $75 thinking I'll probably get action from any overpair right here and was trying to make it look like I'm stealing, he calls. Turn is an ace. He leads again for $50, I make it $175 and he calls. River is a 10 and he moves in for about another $180. I'm getting a sinking feeling he has aces full right here but there's around $650 in the pot and I decide to call, he shows T-T for a rivered boat. That hand was what started the downfall.

I lose a series of fun hands to a new guy who sat down, I lose Q-9 to K-9 on an A-9-9 flop. I lose AA to K4 of spades on the As 3d 7s flop. I then make a really poor play, I assume, even though I can't really take the call. The guy who sat down was playing every pot. We are now five-handed. I've never played with him before but he sat down with $200 playing hyper-aggressive and he now has about $1800 infront of him. A lot of it from me. He just beat me in a hand right before this one and I announced at the table I'm stone cold tilting now. He raises it up to $20 under the gun, I'm next to act and make it 50 with QJ of spades. He is the only caller.

Flop is Qc Jc 9s. I love the flop even though it is very coordinated. He checks, I bet 80, he immediately raises it to $180. I call. Turn is an offsuit 4. He checks again, I bet $200, he leans back and says "Wow you probably have three queens or three jacks, I guess I'm allin, you got me beat." That speech usually means they have a giganormous hand most of the time and there was $660 in the pot and it would cost me $900 more to call. I really, really didn't think I had the best hand and I folded QJ. He showed the same hand, Qd Jh. He outplayed me good on that hand but I really didn't feel good about calling.

Then after that it was basically over, I was down to $600 infront of me after being in the game for $600 so I was dead even. I lose another $400ish pot with 4h 2h on a J-4-2 flop after the J pairs on the river and he beats me and I end up losing around $300 on the day. The game was unbelievably good and I don't regret staying and playing fivehanded as I easily thought I was the best player at the table, all four of the other ones seemed fairly new but I just couldn't beat them tonight. It is always frustrating coming back from a $2100 win to booking a loser in a $1/2 game but one of these days I'll learn to quit winner.


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