Why Rafael Nadal might have to watch out

There's a newcomer on the scene, he's tall, he's handsome, he's swedish and he's fucking horrible at tennis for right now but I'm working on the last part. Any type of tennis pro has to start somewhere, right?
Lately me and big Chris have been playing a lot of tennis, and when I say a lot I mean a lot. There was a while there we played every day. I had played maybe three or four matches of tennis in my entire life up until we started playing. I've always been good at sports in general so I figured I'd pick up on it quickly but I'm still semi-struggling with tennis. It's a fun challenge though and we are starting to get to the point where we're a bit more evenly matched so the grudge matches with some betting going on can start happening soon!
Chris is actually good at tennis, for a fat white boy the motherfucker can move. It's like Neo from the Matrix when he's moving around on the tennis court, one second he's on the baseline, the next he's up on the net, then he's on the far sideline returning a great forehand shot and the second after that he's collapsed on the ground reaching for his pack of smokes and screaming "Break, break!".
The last one has actually never happened but I could so totally envision it so it went in there anyway. My problem is serving. You know you toss the tennisball up with your left hand and try to hit it in the little square on the opposing side of the court. Sounds pretty simple to me. I toss the tennis ball up in the air and it's always interesting to see where the fuck I tossed it, half the time it lands infront of me, or behind me and I feel like I should be competing in the special olympics every time I try to serve. It's something inbetween swinging a baseball bat half-assedly and trying to swat mosquitos. If I just learned how to serve, I think I might turn pro. Seriously.
If there was any money in the "wannabe-tennis-pro" circuit me and Austin might have became millionaires already. There has been a group of us playing which usually consists of me, Big Chris, Austin, Donald, Steve and sometimes Andy. We take turn playing doubles and put some bets to make it more fun and it's been a blast. They're a fun group to hang out with. I can't wait until we take it onto the golf course although I might be the worst golfer of the bunch. Steve shoots close to par I believe, Austin shoots low to mid 80's, Chris I have no idea about but the way he talks about how he used to play makes me think he's fairly good. I shoot mid 90's, Donald I have no idea about and Andy I believe is drawing dead before we make it to the tee if the tennis game is any testament to his sports skills. I'm just kidding, he's actually gotten pretty good at tennis. He used to be horrible the first two or so times we went playing but he has actually improved a lot, I thought he was a lost cause when I first saw him bounce around the tennis court but he's gotten to the point where he definitely makes for a good game playing. I never thought tennis could be that much fun but it is very much so.
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