Monday, July 24, 2006

Update on Full Tilt qualifier

So that's that, no WSOP for me. That was the last online satellite that was being ran and I can't afford to play live satellites. It was $1000 entry, got 195 starters and top 16 got a seat into the World Series of Poker with the 17th getting money. I made it down to the last three tables when I go broke on a play I will never let myself forget and I went out in 29th I think? I basically gave away the chance for a seat. I had been short all tournament, and this donkey that was called pdxowl had a HUGE chiplead. He could basically sit out and he would be ensured a seat with 100% accuracy no doubt at all. He started limping a ton of pots, calling raises with garbage and sometimes hitting and sometimes missing. He was mostly hitting.

He limped in mid position, I was shortstacked with A9 and thought I might have the best of it as he had shown down hands like QJ, K10 etc a lot and I move in, he calls with KJ and I double through. I was up to 13k and change with average at 22k and blinds 500/1000 200 ante. I get Q-10 in the big blind and the same guy pdxowl is on my right, everybody folds to him and he miniraises a thousand. I decide to call thinking I'll let my hand go if I don't flop top pair as I might be able to double through him if I just make a pair. He had been giving away chips left and right and was thoroughly bad so that's the only reason I decide to take a flop. The flop is 7-4-2 or something of the sort, he checks and I check. Turn is a Q giving me top pair. He checks again, I decide to bet 4000 leaving myself with about 5900. He miniraises me to 8000 and I'm facing a really tough decision. If I fold I have only five big blinds left after paying the small blind, if I call and win I have a seat for sure, if I call and lose I'm done. I decided to make the call and I was drawing stone cold dead with zero outs as he flopped top set of sevens on the flop. I wish I had never played the hand obviously and I wish I had been playing better and gotten myself a seat as there's nothing more I would want right now than to play the main event. Then at least it wouldn't feel like the Las Vegas trip was a waste in terms of poker (I saw and did a lot of shit but accomplished zero in poker)

On a good note, he had about 70,000 chips and was the chipleader and with about 20 people left he gave away all his chips and he was down to 15,000. Of course being the sore loser that I am I was heavily rooting for him to bust out so he'd miss the seat, he gets his last chips allin preflop AK against QQ and he gets a king on the river because that's just what lucky people does and it looks like he'll get a seat after all. That's a shame. I would've loved to see him bust out as it'd make my day a little better.

All in all, it fucking sucks.


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