He'll be bouncing down the mountain when he comes
Yesterday they told us that we can't extend our weekly two bedroom thing and they said they only have one bedrooms. We had to go and move our shit between the two rooms in 110 degree heat and it was a pain in the ass. Shawn, of course, brought all his stuff from his apartment into the weekly-rental and we had to move all that too. Well, he had to move it, but it was tiring as shit to watch him too. I had no idea I had bought so much shit since we came on this trip either, was a solid seven trips between the two apartments to move the things. I went right asleep as we came to the new place and slept for 15 hours straight. Before we moved, we had gotten through playing a long session at the Rio and then at the Bellagio so I was tired already before moving. I played some satellites and played some in an awesome 5/10 game at the Bellagio.
Me and Jamie also played in a 2/5 at the Rio and this one guy was so fucking funny it was ridiculous, I was laughing until I was tearing up constantly when he kept his little witty comments going. Another grungy looking guy that was in his early 20's was sitting in one seat, and this guy, in his mid to late thirties who was so funny kept jabbing at him over and over. Jamie asked him where he was from and he said, this little place called Washington D.C. It's close to Maryland... we make laws and things there.
He said he lived close to a trail where the president would ride his bike and every time he rode the bike they closed the neighborhood down. It pissed him off he said as for three hours he couldn't leave his house. He said it was bullshit because the guy was actually riding three miles up the road. He was just constantly making fun of this grungy guy because he was friends with a really cute girl who was also at the table, he kept telling him he'd give him $10 if he wanted to go play videogames while he took the girl to lunch. Anyway, after all that, we go and play the Bellagio for a few hours then take off to move our shit.
When all of us woke up, it was something like 6:30 in the morning. We left the house at 7 AM and they were going to drop me off at the Bellagio and I was going to play for a few hours before the online Sunday tournaments started. While we were riding, Shawn said, there's so many things we gotta do. We need to go to Mt Charleston, play golf, go to the Grand Canyon etc. I said, well lets go to Mt Charleston then. Well motherfucker, lets go, Jamie said and turned the car around. We changed to shorts instead of jeans and took off to Mt Charleston. It felt really good outside and riding with the windows down, blasting music and just bullshitting was quite relaxing. We make it up to Mt Charleston, which was absolutely gorgeous. The scenery changed from desert to forest quite quickly. We make it to one of the outposts and turn around to go to the next place which was higher up, at about 8000 feet. Half-way on the way up the road, we see a cave a bit up the mountain. For some reason, we pulled over at the side of the road and decided we're climbing it. Now, we aren't all exactly in perfect shape but I'm sure that if the circumstances required it we'd be able to run to the fridge and back to get a beer in a decent time. We start going up the side of the road and it starts off being like 20 feet of a pretty steep slope. Me and Jamie made it up there first and Jamie was already out of breath, we only had like two miles left to go. As good friends we stand up top and make fun of Shawn as he makes his way up there.
We take off walking and we make it like a hundred feet before we decide we're not gonna make it. It was pretty far. Shawn also got badly injured on the way up as is seen below. It is hard for any hiker to continue after being in a near death experience like that.

I'm also not a fan of bugs, spiders or snakes in any way and of course these faggots start fucking with me, throwing little rocks into the bushes next to me making me jump about six feet high every god damn time. It wasn't funny at all, we make it down the road and Jamie goes first down the steep slope right before the car. He slid down real fast by sitting down on one foot and balancing himself with the other foot infront of him. I slid down after him standing straight up just sliding on my shoes, which made it awfully close for me to face-plant right in the pavement. Shawn is last to go and he starts sliding down with his back towards the road and Jamie yells at him you're going to hurt yourself going like that, you're going to fall. Shawn turns around and I decide this might be a kodak moment. My spider-senses were right, as here he comes. If you picture a wrecking ball. Now picture it being hurled from the moon and towards the earth and try to imagine the speed and velocity of this thing. Now replace the wrecking-ball with Shawn and you are getting what I'm picturing. I get the video camera recording and you hear it loudly on the video as Jamie says "You're going to hurt yourself" and then I say "There he goes" and then wham, bam, bang and he's face first into the fucking pavement. He even put his hand out towards Jamie, thinking he was going to be saved as Jamie side-stepped aside watching him bounce down facefirst into the road. I made sure I (one) had him in the frame the entire way from top of the little cliff until he was down in the pavement, (two) set the camera off recording, (three) took a couple still-frame pictures and then (four) went up and asked him if he was okay. (Did you notice the order of priority?)
He slammed right on his $700 pocket pc phone when he fell down and he broke the phone. We get back in the car and it's like a little silence for a good five minutes as we ride, no one is saying a word. Jamie breaks the silence by saying, "You can have my phone if you want..." and then a little while later, "that was pretty fucking funny you have to admit", he just kept telling us to shut up, fuck you. Then he kept saying "give me my camera, give me my god damn camera, give me my camera"... I said we can't do it, it can't happen until I copy the pics and video. He skinned his legs and arms pretty good and he's gonna have some serious bruises. As I am writing this, I hear him in the bathtub "Ahhhhhhh, owwwww, FUCK" and he can barely move. It is absolutely hilarious. We go up to some other trail and he's still pissed so he was staying in the car, me and Jamie go out to take some pictures. About five minutes later, we go back to the car and the car is gone. We're 7000 feet up on a mountain and he fucking left. Jamie said, "you have your phone?" and I said "Yep, in the car.." then Jamie goes, "I hope he comes back..."
Shawn waited a few minutes then came back, thankfully. We go up to some viewing point, take a few pictures and then turned around. I was laughing so hard in the car the entire way. I was looking into buying a phone in a RadioShack and Jamie needed to pay his bill, so we stopped there. Shawn goes up to the clerk and said, man I fell and busted my phone and asked him how much it would be to replace it. Jamie says, "Yeah man he fell off this cliff and he busted his ass on the concrete", the clerk said he'd LOVE to see that. I said, don't worry, we have it on camera! I of course run out to the car, while Shawn is screaming DON'T YOU FUCKING SHOW HIM THAT and I bring it back and show it to the clerk who of course starts laughing his ass off too. It was so funny.
I am gonna post a few pictures underneath of our little trip.

Me and Jamie also played in a 2/5 at the Rio and this one guy was so fucking funny it was ridiculous, I was laughing until I was tearing up constantly when he kept his little witty comments going. Another grungy looking guy that was in his early 20's was sitting in one seat, and this guy, in his mid to late thirties who was so funny kept jabbing at him over and over. Jamie asked him where he was from and he said, this little place called Washington D.C. It's close to Maryland... we make laws and things there.
He said he lived close to a trail where the president would ride his bike and every time he rode the bike they closed the neighborhood down. It pissed him off he said as for three hours he couldn't leave his house. He said it was bullshit because the guy was actually riding three miles up the road. He was just constantly making fun of this grungy guy because he was friends with a really cute girl who was also at the table, he kept telling him he'd give him $10 if he wanted to go play videogames while he took the girl to lunch. Anyway, after all that, we go and play the Bellagio for a few hours then take off to move our shit.
When all of us woke up, it was something like 6:30 in the morning. We left the house at 7 AM and they were going to drop me off at the Bellagio and I was going to play for a few hours before the online Sunday tournaments started. While we were riding, Shawn said, there's so many things we gotta do. We need to go to Mt Charleston, play golf, go to the Grand Canyon etc. I said, well lets go to Mt Charleston then. Well motherfucker, lets go, Jamie said and turned the car around. We changed to shorts instead of jeans and took off to Mt Charleston. It felt really good outside and riding with the windows down, blasting music and just bullshitting was quite relaxing. We make it up to Mt Charleston, which was absolutely gorgeous. The scenery changed from desert to forest quite quickly. We make it to one of the outposts and turn around to go to the next place which was higher up, at about 8000 feet. Half-way on the way up the road, we see a cave a bit up the mountain. For some reason, we pulled over at the side of the road and decided we're climbing it. Now, we aren't all exactly in perfect shape but I'm sure that if the circumstances required it we'd be able to run to the fridge and back to get a beer in a decent time. We start going up the side of the road and it starts off being like 20 feet of a pretty steep slope. Me and Jamie made it up there first and Jamie was already out of breath, we only had like two miles left to go. As good friends we stand up top and make fun of Shawn as he makes his way up there.
We take off walking and we make it like a hundred feet before we decide we're not gonna make it. It was pretty far. Shawn also got badly injured on the way up as is seen below. It is hard for any hiker to continue after being in a near death experience like that.

I'm also not a fan of bugs, spiders or snakes in any way and of course these faggots start fucking with me, throwing little rocks into the bushes next to me making me jump about six feet high every god damn time. It wasn't funny at all, we make it down the road and Jamie goes first down the steep slope right before the car. He slid down real fast by sitting down on one foot and balancing himself with the other foot infront of him. I slid down after him standing straight up just sliding on my shoes, which made it awfully close for me to face-plant right in the pavement. Shawn is last to go and he starts sliding down with his back towards the road and Jamie yells at him you're going to hurt yourself going like that, you're going to fall. Shawn turns around and I decide this might be a kodak moment. My spider-senses were right, as here he comes. If you picture a wrecking ball. Now picture it being hurled from the moon and towards the earth and try to imagine the speed and velocity of this thing. Now replace the wrecking-ball with Shawn and you are getting what I'm picturing. I get the video camera recording and you hear it loudly on the video as Jamie says "You're going to hurt yourself" and then I say "There he goes" and then wham, bam, bang and he's face first into the fucking pavement. He even put his hand out towards Jamie, thinking he was going to be saved as Jamie side-stepped aside watching him bounce down facefirst into the road. I made sure I (one) had him in the frame the entire way from top of the little cliff until he was down in the pavement, (two) set the camera off recording, (three) took a couple still-frame pictures and then (four) went up and asked him if he was okay. (Did you notice the order of priority?)
He slammed right on his $700 pocket pc phone when he fell down and he broke the phone. We get back in the car and it's like a little silence for a good five minutes as we ride, no one is saying a word. Jamie breaks the silence by saying, "You can have my phone if you want..." and then a little while later, "that was pretty fucking funny you have to admit", he just kept telling us to shut up, fuck you. Then he kept saying "give me my camera, give me my god damn camera, give me my camera"... I said we can't do it, it can't happen until I copy the pics and video. He skinned his legs and arms pretty good and he's gonna have some serious bruises. As I am writing this, I hear him in the bathtub "Ahhhhhhh, owwwww, FUCK" and he can barely move. It is absolutely hilarious. We go up to some other trail and he's still pissed so he was staying in the car, me and Jamie go out to take some pictures. About five minutes later, we go back to the car and the car is gone. We're 7000 feet up on a mountain and he fucking left. Jamie said, "you have your phone?" and I said "Yep, in the car.." then Jamie goes, "I hope he comes back..."
Shawn waited a few minutes then came back, thankfully. We go up to some viewing point, take a few pictures and then turned around. I was laughing so hard in the car the entire way. I was looking into buying a phone in a RadioShack and Jamie needed to pay his bill, so we stopped there. Shawn goes up to the clerk and said, man I fell and busted my phone and asked him how much it would be to replace it. Jamie says, "Yeah man he fell off this cliff and he busted his ass on the concrete", the clerk said he'd LOVE to see that. I said, don't worry, we have it on camera! I of course run out to the car, while Shawn is screaming DON'T YOU FUCKING SHOW HIM THAT and I bring it back and show it to the clerk who of course starts laughing his ass off too. It was so funny.
I am gonna post a few pictures underneath of our little trip.

Soldier down, and in pain.

A good friend lending a helping hand, after getting done laughing.

The face (or rear) of defeat.

Did he just fucking leave us for real?
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