Thursday, July 13, 2006

NL $2500 Shorthanded Event

Well, I don't have any good news to report here either. I busted about 3 hrs and 40 minutes into the event, very disappointed. The day never went very well at all and that was quite frustrating.

The buy-in was $2500, all tables were 6-max tables and I drew a really, really good first table. I had Barny Boatman of FTP/Hendon mob fame two to my left and everybody else seemed like they couldn't play a lick so I loved my first table. I won one pot at that table, when I had K-K in the big blind. The blinds were 25/25 and the german guy raised from the cutoff to 100, small blind calls, I raise to 375 and the small blind is the only caller. Flop is 4-3-2 with two diamonds. He checks, I bet 500, he folds 8-8. Good fold on his part.

Right after this, 15 minutes into the tournament I get moved. That sucked. I come to a new table and I see a lot of young internet players like myself, which made me think immediately this is going to be a very aggressive table so I hated my new draw. I recognized the guy in the 3 seat, and I later found out it was "Roothlus" from that I used to talk to on MSN a good bit. I forget his real name and I'll just use his internet nick for this report. Anyhow, I get moved there and I have 3000 chips. I very early on raise a pot to 175 with 7-7 and I get three callers. I didn't love that. Flop came 8-8-2 and small blind checks, big blind checks, I need to find out if I have the best hand so I bet 400 into the pot. Big blind check-raises to 1200 and I figure that he might have anything at this point but I wasn't ready to commit all my chips with 7-7 on that flop and so many pre-flop callers that I gave it up.

I get in another hand with Roothlus and the chip leader at the table, I call a raise out of the blind with K-10 of diamonds. Flop came down 10-9-4. I check, Rooth checks, guy bets out 400 and I call and Rooth calls. The fact that Rooth called scared me a bit as I was worried of 10-9, 9-9 and 4-4 along with any draws. Turn come a 9. I decided to play it safe and see what happens and I check, Rooth checks, chipleader guy bets out 1000 I believe. I let my hand go, Rooth checkraises allin and he had flopped a set of fours. The chipleader guy had A-9 and turned trip 9's, Rooth doubles through.

Then I raise A-K a little later, get two callers, I flop queen high and I continuation bet yet again when it gets checked to me and I again get check-raised and I'm forced to let it go. I pick up one or two pots by raising and taking it down after the flop but all in all it was very frustrating as I couldn't get anything to work. The table had been seeing a lot of flops and playing a lot of hands and I pick up aces and queens and both times everybody folds. A little later, I pick up 8-8 and I raise out of the cutoff to 150, small blind calls, Roothlus makes it 450 out of the big blind. I decide to call and small blind calls as well. Flop comes down like 9 9 4 and I check, small blind checks, Roothlus bets 600, I raise allin for 1300 total and Rooth calls the extra 700 and shows A-Q. I dodge an ace and a queen and I double through to about 4200 total.

Then I raise two sevens again, flopped ace high and I get checkraised and forced to let it go. It was very frustrating as I could never really take down anything because I kept having to let go of hands as I couldn't get favorable flops enough to come back over the top and I didn't want to just re-raise hoping they were just pushing me around as I didn't really have enough chips to warrant losing.

Roothlus kicked it up another gear at this point and raised three pots in a row and took them all down, fourth one he opens up under the gun for 150. I look down at A-Q in the small blind. I considered re-raising preflop to 450 or 500 but I was out of position for the hand and he's been so aggressive that I figured if I get a good flop I might be able to get a good bit of chips out of him. I just call and flop comes down Q-10-7. Bingo, I thought. I checked, he bet 400. It was a pretty big bet and I thought I'm good but I didn't want to raise on the flop here as if he has KQ or QJ I might be able to checkraise the turn. I just call. Turn comes a 4, if I remember right. I check, he checks too. River was an inconsequent blank and I decided to valuebet 700. He calls and asks me if I have Q-10, I said no, and I table A-Q. He said "whew" and tables K-K. What the fuck? I was so tired of his aggressive pre-flop raising over and over that he could've stacked me on this hand if he played his hand faster so I was fairly happy I still had 1900 after this, could've been a lot worse.

We go on a break and I come back at 50/100. I blind down to 1650 when Roothlus again opens under the gun, as he raised a plenty, it folds to me in the small blind I have KQ of spades and I push all-in and he folds. A little later, I open with K-10 from the cutoff and get two callers, flop K-Q-2... they check to me I bet 500 they both fold. I also raise another pot, whiffed it but took it down with a continuationbet so I was back up to 3800. That's when it started going badly again. I call a preflop raise of 450 from a tight player with 7-7. Flop K-K-2. I check he bets 800 which was a huge bet, I decided here too that I don't want to gamble as the only thing I beat realistically is A-Q so I let it go. I then open under the gun for 300 with 5-5. Guy on my left who is quite horrible and weak calls, big blind thinks for a while and calls. Flop A-K-2 with two clubs. Big blind checks, I bet 500, guy on my left folded and I was thinking I'll take it down until the big blind throws out 2000 and I'm yet again forced to fold. I was really getting frustrated by the fact that I couldn't get anything to work, I tried to keep up the same pace of bets and raises and as soon as I flop a hand I was thinking I'm getting paid because of the constant raising, I just seemed to fail to pick up a hand.

On the bustout hand I've blinded down all the way to 1250, Rooth limps in under the gun, blinds are about to be 100/200 and I'm short on chips. I complete from the small blind with 10-7 of clubs, big blind taps the table. Flop is 7-5-3 with two hearts. I check, big blind bets 200, Rooth smooth-calls, I decide I'll take my stand here and put in my 1200. BB folds, Rooth insta-calls and he flopped yet another set. He ran absurdly good at the table and he was for sure my nemesis today. Flopped two sets against top pair twice against me and had KK when I hit TPTK with A-Q. I just couldn't beat him. I asked him after I busted if it was him from Pocketfives and he confirmed and he said he was sorry he busted me, I said it's no big deal and wished him luck. I really hope he'll do well and put my chips to good use.

All in all quite disappointing, just never really felt I got in a good groove and once the blinds went up I got so short. I'll see if I'll play the $2000 No Limit Hold'em tomorrow, if not I might just play some cashgames and some online.


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