Monday, July 24, 2006

The lack of updates

The reason I haven't updated the blog is because nothing really happened worth writing about lately, nothing positive anyhow. It would just be a long blog of whining about how badly I've been doing and how much I've been losing, and that doesn't make for good reading now does it?

That's why I decided to write one about it anyway, HAH. Jamie left a couple of days ago and that kind of sucked. He got hired for a ... for a .... fuck I can't even say it, its one of those words I really dread. He got hired for a *closes eyes* JOB. There, I said it, phew. He's now working over in indian land and is actually living in the real world with real people and left Vegas. What a quitter. I've just been playing a lot since he left as when he and earlier when both him and Shawn were here I never really played much, we usually did a bunch of other shit, so instead I put in a whole lot of hours. I played a lot of $5/10 no limit at the Bellagio, Caesars Palace and at the Venetian and I lost pretty badly. I've blown about five thousand playing live since he left, all of it in one session too (the last one at the Venetian). Online it's been about the same, putting in a lot of hours but no results. I stepped up to play $10/20 NL online since that's what I've been taking shots at recently and done quite well, since starting to play 10/20 I was up about $13,000 playing 10/20 alone but that little plus statistic got erased quickly as I dropped somewhere around $20k playing in two days. Now that I got that whining off of my chest, we can move on!

I had to return the Cadillac we rented today, me and Jamie went on a road trip up to northern Nevada for a few days right before he left. The normal rental car we rent was only $80 less than renting a sweet ass Cadillac DTS. It had XM radio, the northstar V8 engine and all leather interior. It was the pure nuts. I have never driven in a more comfortable car, I think they retail at around $60,000 so that's what I'm saving up for next! Anyway, I returned the Cadillac today even though I strongly considered keeping it and just hoping I'd fly under their radar un-noticed so I could keep it forever and ever but the good angel on my left shoulder was riding with me that day and he told me to return it or I'd have bad karma. The last thing I need right now is bad karma so I returned the fucker even though I really didn't want to. I couldn't find a taxi to take me home so I waited for about an hour and a half and realized it wasn't coming even though I called them about nine times no exaggeration and they assured me it was on the way so I got on a bus and took the bus back home. Since I'll be stuck grinding it out online trying to rebuild my money and not be able to rent Cadillacs and take week long trips whereever we feel like going for a while it hit me while standing in the bus packed like sardines with a bunch of sweaty people that it was the picture perfect explanation of the lifestyle change from last week to the next couple months.

One day riding a Cadillac, the next public transportation. Gambling for a living is just so much fun, isn't it? Or not. The highs are very high and the lows are pretty fucking low, unfortunately I can't be hired for anything that doesn't pay minimum wage so I'm back to trying to grind it out online, which will be fine. I'll just have to treat it as a job and stop taking shots playing high for a while. A lesson in discipline, indeed, Yoda says.

So that's all for now, Big Chris from Arkansas is coming down on Wednesday and he wanted me to stay an extra night so he can crash in my room and then we'll move to his room on Thursday when he can check in because he's here to play the main event. I've tried satelliting into the main and I just haven't had any luck with it but I'm buying into the Full Tilt $1000 qualifier today and that's probably the last shot I'll take before just realizing I'm not going to get to play it. I've always wanted to play the main event which is why I've tried so many qualifiers but it's just not happening this year from the looks of it. It's just such a juicy tournament... I think it'll fit my style of play very well too as the strongest part of my game is accumulating chips against donkeys. And to do that it's good to have a deep starting stack, which with $10,000 starting chips and 25/50 blinds is exactly what you have. I also got to play one $10k event down in New Orleans for the WSOP Circuit so I know a little bit more what to expect and also realize what mistakes I made down there (played too tight early) and I also want to redeem myself for that poor finish. I ran KK into AA early in the first level down there and lost 90% of my chips immediately and never recovered. If it doesn't happen with this Full Tilt $1k qualifier I guess it's not meant to be, so wish me luck!

Other than that the preliminary plans is to stay with Chris in his room while he's here then rent a car and me and him will drive back, I asked if he'd want to just rent a car instead of him flying back home so I'd get some company and so we can take turns driving and he said he would. That is absolutely awesome since I would hate to make the 26 or so hour drive by myself, also tough to drive it in one stretch when you can't take a nap inbetween.


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