Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Viva la technologie informatique

In other words, thank god for internet. The cable guy came here yesterday and got our cable and our internet hooked up, at last. Me and Chris have both been bored to tears recently in our new apartment since there's literally nothing to do at all. We barely had any furniture up until recently and with no TV or a computer to mess around online with, it tends to get quite boring.

The apartment we have is nice though, two bedrooms, nice livingroom although not too big and it's on the second floor. I kinda like it. It's a lot cheaper than what I've been accustomed to paying the last six months so that'll help out as well.

I went shopping the other day to find myself a bed. Jessica and her sister helped me pick out a bedroom suite after we went to like six gazillion stores. Literally. I think I've looked at more furniture than I ever thought I would. See normally, I'd find something somewhere and that'd be it. I'd buy it and I'd be done and over with. This way you actually *gasp*... find what you really wanted. Not a terrible concept by any means. I bought some whole six-piece thingamajigg and a very nice and super comfortable mattress set for it and they deliver it tomorrow so no more sleeping on the couch (hooray, the people of Sweden rejoice!)

There was one funny part about the shopping though that still cracks me up, in two different stores the same scenario took place. So every time we walk into a store of course you get rushed by some salesperson, and they always ask you what you are looking for and what will suit your needs blah blah blah. So Jessicas sister Karen says we need a bedroom suite, with a nice comfortable bed. Sure enough, he starts showing us the beds. He asks if there was anything particular we needed... Jessica says, "Well it has to fit the three of us without being too cramped.", Karen goes, "He will have to sleep in the middle so we can hold onto him without falling off."

The sales guy kinda looks at us with an interested look, then one of the girls added, "Oh by the way we're sisters." and the "Holy shit" look appeared on the salesguy. Of course they were just fucking with him but my god I was laughing my ass off after we got out of the store.

So tomorrow between noon and 3pm is when the delivery is scheduled so I'll be busy trying to set all that shit up. Hopefully it's not like our lovely company IKEA whom you need an engineering degree to put together their equipment with but will be a little less straining. Next blog entry I'll write about our weightloss (weightgain for me) bet that is taking place so I'll write about that tomorrow. I'm off to eat something fattening with lots of dessert so see you soon.


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