A day spent watching football

If there's one thing I never thought I'd say when somebody called me and asked me what I was up to and I'd respond, "Oh just watching football."
I never thought that'd happen. I guess with the right motivation, everything can get interesting. Money is always good motivation. Anyway. I moved to the states a couple of years ago and I had no interest in football or baseball at all. I thought it was insanely boring to watch and I saw no point in it. Padball, as I used to call it, just seemed so mundane. You got a bunch of big fucking guys with a lot of anger management issues stacked in so many pads and so much protection that the michelin man himself would sue them for stealing his outfit and then they'd pick up a ball and run one way then the other way. A lot of sports seem fairly dumb when you really think about it but football seemed pointless to me. I've actually recently started getting into it, believe it or not.
There's always these questions I gotta ask Chris though. We've been watching games for the last five or so hours and he said ask whatever you need to know. I've gotten a little better at it than what I used to, so I can actually follow a god damn game now but then every now and then I'll go... "Hey, Chris... what's a shotgun?"
He'll sigh, then he's like "ok... a shotgun is... hang on." he picks up his cellphone, re-enacts the whole snap and tosses me the cellphone and he's like "that's a shotgun". I got the whole full scale renactment and all that shit. Then later on there was some amazing play and he's up on his feet yelling "THAT'S MY BOY, GET OFF MY FUCKING NUTS" all pumped as shit jumping on his feet and he looks over to me and I'm just kind of half watching thinking that's pretty neat. Then he stops, sighs and goes "man I wish you just understood football..." it was hilarious.
So my european ignorance aside it's been pretty fun. I played some online at the same time too as I haven't put in many hours at ALL at the tables. I picked up only a few hundred but it was nice, I haven't had many good wins recently so winning $480 or so wasn't bad at all. I also have been sleeping so good in my bed. I just never want to get out of bed. I wouldn't have gotten out of bed today as a matter of fact if it wasn't for our fucking neighbor just laying on the horn outside for a good four or five minutes. I heard Chris wake up and I heard him stumbling out, while the car-horn outside is still blowing and I contemplated getting up because he was hopefully about to walk out in his underwear alone and knock him the fuck out for laying on the horn for what was LITERALLY close to five minutes. But I decided not to get up. The bed was too comfortable. As it turns out he never knocked him out so that would've been quite disappointing anyway.
I have to admit I miss watching soccer and hockey though, especially hockey. I wish we lived closer to a good NHL team. I guess the closest teams here would be the Predators in Nashville, then I don't know what else that is close. Dallas? That's not very close though. Nashville has a couple of swedish stars so that's neat but still. That one NHL game I went up to Philadelphia to watch, the Flyers vs Maple Leafs was amazing so I'd love to go see another game. I'm kind of excited about seeing my first college football or baseball game too, as well as a major league or NFL game.
I'm going to just relax a little while then we're going to On The Rocks to play some pool, drink some beer, make Chris shoot some jaeger (apparently he had jaeger shots last night and threw up cheesesticks all morning) since we had a long conversation yesterday about shots and he said he refuses to drink jaeger. I go to bed at like 3am last night and he goes to on the rocks and some cute blonde talks him into shooting 7 shots of jaeger back to back to back. So much for never drinking jaeger huh motherfucker. You won't take some shots with me but if a huge breasted blonde offers then all of a sudden jaegers sound good. You fucking basta..... actually... I kind of see his point now that I think about it...
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