Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Live tournament win

It really has been a while since I won a live tournament, and even though it wasn't for much money I'm still feeling very pleased with it. I've made plenty of live final tables in small tournaments but with no success, yesterday I got to take one down at last. It was a $125 buy-in at the Goldstrike, I think we had around 60 people. I started off playing very fast right off the bat, I had my chips up to 8000 with only two small showdowns I believe, we started with 4000. I get moved to a new table and I had about 10,000 going into the new table. I kept chipping up and was at around 18000 from just picking blinds and antes, pretty much, when I get moved again.

This table was a little tougher, I open in the second orbit after folding about 16 hands with KJ, I ger re-raised immediately and I fold. The next hand I open with AQ of diamonds, I get reraised again, and I started seeing the pattern that usually leads to my demise. I keep raising with mediocre hands, people come over the top with hands that doesn't necessarily always beat my hands so I was a bit frustrated when I decided to call with AQd. I had 17k at the start of the hand, I opened for 1200 he raised for 4600 more so I would be left at 11200 if I called and lost. He showed two kings and I was down to 11k. I pick up a couple more small pots when I had an insane suckout. I was still doing well in chips and I had A7 in the small blind, shortstack was in the big blind and another guy had limped. The guy had limped twice before and I wasn't having any alarm bells going off in my head. I completed small blind and flop was 8-7-2 with two clubs, I had the ace of clubs. We check over to the limper who bets 4000, I put him in for 6000 more and he instacalls with two aces of course. I river a two-outer 7 for a pretty sick beat. It wasn't a key pot for my tournament life but the extra 20k chips really did help.

Then I was sitting at about 40k and just cruising, losing some small pots here and there, playing very well around the bubble. Me and Jamie, not the Jamie from the Vegas trip but another one who play here locally were both on the same table when we were on the bubble and had 6 left. Literally every hand he didn't raise, I raised and vice versa. They were playing so tight to make the final table it was crazy.

Once on the FT and even right before the FT I ran into something that usually bugs me when I'm playing with friends. Tim Burt, my old roommate and Jamie who I know quite well were both there. Twice, when Jamie was shortstacked I folded a hand I'm 95% I had him dominated with because I didn't wanna be an asshole and knock him out when I know he is short on money too. Once he moves in on the button, I have AJ in the blind and I fold. He shows A-3 of diamonds. Then next time he moves in for 10,000 with 2000/4000 blinds and I have A-8 and I elect not to call there either. He ends up tripling up and he's sitting at 48000 and we are playing five handed when I make another bad decision.

He opens up for 16,000. He had been quite aggressive because the table was letting him, and I had folded so many hands I normally would've came over the top with that I was sitting here having a debate with myself if I don't need to try and stop him soon. I look down at K-J of hearts, not a strong hand by any means but I figured he'd give me a lot of credit if I raised as I hadn't done that with anything but total monsters. He says he has 27000 more. (In actuality he had 32000 more which I found out later when we counted his chips) I said I'm all-in, he said "Swede I got two aces bro I gotta call" and I'm like uh-oh. Flop K-J-8 turn deuce river K and I make kings full for another sick beat. I play terrible sometimes.

Yet again it was an important pot as it would've been the difference between having 140k chips or having 40k. Then we're down to four handed, me and Tim Burt have been trading chipleads all along. We bust out the other two and its me and him, I have him outchipped 150-160k to his 75k. We start talking about a deal, we decide to save $200 each and play for the remaining $600, fair enough I thought. I picked up some chips early by making a play with 7-5. I limp in, he checks, flop is K-J-9 I believe, he checks, I bet 6000, he insta-raises to 20000 and I know he's aggressive and a good heads-up player. He raised so fast I didn't think he necessarily had a hand either I really thought he just knew I was weak and me three-betting this hand will scream huge strength, I reraise to 48000 and he thinks for a while and folds. We trade blinds a few times and I pick up K-K. I miniraise his blind to 12000, he moves in with Q-10 of spades, I call. Flop is J-8-x turn A and he's got a double belly buster now and I make the set I don't want to make on the river when the K hits and he makes a straight, all of a sudden he has chip lead. We go back and forth again and then we take a new count with me at 110k him at 130k and we decide to just chop it.

We got $1600 a piece, plus some tournament entry vouchers, so not a ton of money but it still felt good to win a tournament. Then I went to play some cashgames, played very poorly and lost about $500 there in unnecessary fashion. I'm about to go play some tonight again, just woke up after spending a few hours last night listening to music before I went to bed at 11 AM.


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