Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Goldstrike Tournament Report $335 Sunday tour

Another tournament report from the past Sunday tour, it has been over 36 hours since I played the tournament so if I get any chip amounts wrong I apologize. I saved a lot of my hands in text messages though so it should be semi accurate.

We started with 90 people and a chipstack of 6000. Blinds were 25/25 and 40 minute levels, so a pretty good amount of play. Early on I play really, really tight. I decide to not really mess around too much. First level of 25/25 I get to misplay a hand immediately. I raise KK to 150, guy on my left who was an old man who only had shown down monsters so far makes it 450. I decide to smoothcall instead of reraise and take a flop. The flop is 10-9-4 with two clubs. I check, he bets 900 which is close to a potsized bet. I just call. Turn is the 6 of clubs putting three clubs on board. I check, he checks. At this point I'm thinking I'm ahead in the hand. The river pairs the board making the final board 10c 9c 4x 6c 4x. I check thinking I'll either let him bet a smaller pair or bluff with A-K. I basically had him on 10-10, JJ, QQ, KK, AA or AK and that was it. He bets 2000. I go into the tank thinking if he really flopped a set of tens or if he has aces. I reluctantly make the call and he shows me Ac Qc for the nutflush. I had a total misread and I lost a bunch of chips.

A little later on the 25/50 level I open for $200 with two queens (QQ). I get three callers and the flop is 10-8-8. The blinds check, I bet 500 and I get one of the blinds to call. I'm not liking it. The turn is a J. He checks, I check behind. River is another J. He bets 300. The bet is so small I'm not sure if it is a total valuebet or a weak bet with a ten. I pay off the 300 and he shows me 98 for the flopped trips.

I lose a pot with two jacks and I'm down to 1500 chips having only played three hands, KK, QQ and JJ playing them all poorly. Big Chris busts out of the tournament and asks for a ride home and I'm thinking about just throwing away my chips since the blinds are now 100/200 and I am so short anyway. A few minutes later a guy who limped a lot, sitting to my right limps again. I look down at Ks 8s. I move in for 1500. Everybody folds, and he folds too showing A4 offsuit. I show my K8 since I don't intend to get crazy again and I want action next time. I pick up 500 in the pot so I'm up to 2k. I get Q-10 of spades a little later, same guy limps, Big Chris is sitting behind me and I show the Q-10s as I muck and he tells me I'm crazy! I move in again with A9 and I'm sitting at 2600 when this hand occurs. The blinds are now 100/200 with a 25 ante. I look down at A-A in early position. Since every move I've made so far has been all in, I don't like opening for 600 all of a sudden just because I have aces. I figured with the allin moves I've made I am more likely to get action if I move in. I move in, guy to my left instacalls, the guy to his left calls also. Wow. I have the ace of hearts, ace of clubs and the flop comes down J-10-3 with all diamonds! I'm hating the flop so badly, especially when the first guy checks and the second guy says that he is all-in. He shows Ks Qh for only an open ended straight draw without any diamonds either. I dodge his six outs and I more than triple up, I end up having 8600 chips when I get moved to a new table.

I sit down next to Brian Moore who is a good friend of mine, he is on my right. The very first hand at the new table, the blinds are 200/400 with a 50 ante and I open up for 1200 with KK in early position. A maniac who came from the table that broke earlier and I had played with him the first two hours (The same man with KQ that made me triple up with aces) immediately makes it 5000. I announce all-in for 8600 and he calls. He shows QJ offsuit. Flop is A-6-3... turn is a blank and he's drawing dead and I double up to about 18000 with all the antes and blinds etc.

The VERY NEXT HAND I pick up 8-8 under the gun. I yet again raise to 1200. The small blind calls and Brian Moore in the big blind calls. The flop comes down Qc 9x 8c. I flop bottom set on a semi scary board. The guy in the small blind leads out for 2500, he only has another3000 behind so he's shortstacked. Brian smoothcalls the 2500 and he actually has me covered. I think for a bit how to play this, and with so many draws on the board, I decide to move in with bottom set. The small blind calls, and Brian immediately says I call. I know I'm in trouble now because he has such a big stack there's no way he'd jeopardize it unless he has me beat. I'm terribly afraid he has 9-9 for a higher set but he flips up J-10. Which strangely enough is the best hand he probably can have for me because he'd never move in with just a flushdraw or two pair or anything like that, so in the range of hands he'd move in with, "just" a straight might be the best one for me. The other guy shows Q-J which kind of sucks because he takes one of my outs. The turn is a J... so now to win the main pot of about 17000 I have only three cards to make me a winner. One of the remaining eights or one of the two remaining nines. To win the sidepot of about 27000 against Brian I have only seven cards to make me a winner. The river is the beautiful eight of diamonds giving me quads and Brian obviously gets very pissed off as I get shipped a total pot of 43200 and become the chipleader by a decent margin.. I lucked out big time.

I can't remember the next hand I win but according to text message notes when we get down to 18 players I am at 61500 chips and I'm still the chip leader. I then play a very strange pot in the 800/1600 with 200 ante level. A very aggressive guy opens up for 4200, I call the 4200 with 2-2 and we are both really big in chips so I'm hoping to flop a set against him, if he wasn't as deep as me I'd never take the call. He had about 55000 or so. A lady in the big blind calls also. The flop is Q-10-3 and I almost thought I flopped a set for a second until I see the 3 instead of a 2. The lady checks, the original raiser checks and I decide to bet 8000 into the pot hoping I can just take it down, the lady in the big blind thinks forever and decides to move in and it is only 2300 more to me. The pot is almost 34000 now and I'm getting like 16:1 and I'm praying she has a big draw and while my wish is granted, I call and she shows KJ she has an awful lot of outs. Any Ace, King, Jack or Nine makes her a winner. She's got 14 outs on the flop. The turn is another queen so now she can win with any of the three tens too. 17 outs going into the river and she does hit a 10. The final board shows Q-Q-10-10-3 and my pair of deuces gets counterfeited and the dealer ships her the 36000 pot. After the hand I have 44900 exactly.

I pick up a few uncontested blinds and the next big hand I get involved in a guy opens for 4000 and I take the call with A-9 in position, the blind also calls. The flop is Q-8-7 with two clubs. He checks and I check. The turn is a K an he checks to me, I bet 5000 and he calls. River puts the 6 of clubs on the board for a final board of K-Q-8-7-6 with three clubs. He checks, I bet 12000 and he calls with 10-10. I thought he was weak and ran the bluff all the way but got caught. I was down to 31000 after that hand.

The blinds are still 800/1600 when a semi loose guy opens up UTG for 4200. One of the guys covering me cold-calls the 4200. There's now 12400 pot and I look down at A-Q. I decide to shove all-in thinking I might be able to pick up the pot here without a showdown at all. The first guy folds and I'm liking my hand now. The second guy, who has me covered takes a LOT of time to think before he finally calls with 10-10. The flop is all blanks and a beautiful ace hits the turn and I double up to 64000. He makes some comment about how I must be an internet player because I think A-Q is a good hand. I said yes sir, AQ is the nuts, I will shove with it every time!!

We are now down to about 16 players, with top 10 getting paid and I turn on the heat big time. I go from 64000 up to 130000 now just torturing the bubble only having to show down one hand. The only hand I had to show was when I raised A8, a guy smoothcalls, a shortstack pushes for 4000 more and I call and the other guy calls. Flop came A-J-x (x= rag) and first guy checks, I check. Turn is another low blank he checks I check. River is an 8 and I bet 10000 into the dry sidepot and he calls with 10-10. I get that one shipped to me.

We're down to 12 players almost in the money when I make a bad slip. I raise A2 offsuit on the button to 9000 with 1500/3000 blinds. Both the blinds call. Flop is Jc Jx 8c. They check, I check behind. Turn is a 4. Small blind checks, aggressive guy with lot of chips in the big blind bets 6000. I call with no pair, no draw with the intention of playing this hand like I flopped a total monster and raising him on the river no matter what. The river is the K of clubs for a final board of Kc Jc Jx 8c 4x for a completed club flush. He bets 6000 again. It was such a small bet int oa pot that had over 40000 in it that I decided to raise to 20000. It was a small enough raise that I didn't commit too much and I thought he couldn't really call without a jack or a flush, and I put him on an 8 honestly. He started thinking for a long time and I'm really liking my play at this point until he calls with Q4 of clubs. He made the flush on the river and I'm down to 88000 and he took the chiplead from me.

They finally bust another person and we all go into the final table and we're in the money, I enter the final table second in chips after the guy I just tried to make a move on. We redraw for new seats and the guy I just tried to make a move on, the chipleader gets to sit two to my left, an aggressive guy with lot of chips is on my immediate left. Charlie Chan (I think that's his last name) who is a very good tournament player is three to my left. I hate my table draw. I open a pot early on with some rag hand, the chipleader calls, I bet the flop and he folds. I'm realizing quickly he's wanting to play a lot of pots with me. The next hand that occurs makes me laugh because I'm in the big blind and he raises it to 9000. I think jesus he's going after me every time, an older man in late position reraises to 19000. The chipleader guy calls. The flop is Q-4-2. The chipleader guy checks, the other guy moves allin, chipleader calls and the old man has JJ while the chipleader has Q2! He raised my blind with Q2 and then called a reraise with it and flopped two pair. He busts the old man and I make a joke telling him that apparently raising with AQ is being a poor internet player while calling a reraise with Q2 makes you a superstar. It made me laugh at least.

I then get JJ in mid position, I open for 12000. The chipleader who wants to bust me calls. The flop is Jh 9h 3s. I flop top set. I lead out for 8000, he raises to 16000. I'm thinking wow I'm actually getting to double through him finally! There's a heart flushdraw and a straightdraw on board. He's in position and mini-raised me. I felt he might have a heartdraw and incase he had total air and was semibluffing with like KQ I decided I'm moving in, thinking he'll call with a heartdraw and incase he had a big hand too I might get him to commit his chips. He thinks for a LONG time and I'm praying for a call when he finally folds. If I was in position, I could've slowplayed it but oh well.... I didn't wanna smoothcall, check to him on the turn and let him check behind and catch up too much. 98500 after that hand.

I forget the exact chipcounts but I raise A-3 of diamonds and a shortstack raises allin and it is only like 5000 more to me, I call and he shows A4. Johnny Grooms, the tournament director says "Chop the pot! It'll be a chop!" (more often that not that will be a chopped pot as the kickers won't get to play) The dealer puts out the flop and the door-card (the first card showing) is a 4. A-4-2 on the flop. I start rooting for a 5 and I get close on the turn, when the turn is a 3 giving me a useless two pair. The river blanks and I double him up. A little later I raise with A7 of spades and Charlie moves in and yet again I have to call him as he has like no chips... he shows AK and I flop a 7 and get lucky on him, turn is a blank but the river is a King and he takes the pot. I then open 8-8 and have to fold to a big reraise, next hand I play I open with A-Q and yet again fold to an allin reraise. I'm down to 56000 chips and we're still 7 handed when I open for 12000 under the gun with 9-9. The guy on my left goes allin immediately. I'm pissed about all the hands I've laid down so I decide I'm calling this one. It is 32000 more to me. I count out the 32000 and it is only going to leave me with 16000 chips but I decided I'm calling. The lady on my right says "I call" and I'm now in a big predicament. She has me covered and I only have 99. I decide that there has to be a better spot as if I'm not already dominated by a pair they must have plenty of overcards. I fold. The guy moving in shows AQ the lady shows AK... the flop comes down A-9-2 and I'm about to get sick. I still don't think I can make that call for my tournament life but of course, I would've ended up close to tripling up.

The blinds go up to 3000/6000 with a 1k ante so it is costing 16000 per round to play. Under the gun I look at my first card and it is the ace of clubs, I move all-in deciding any ace is good enough I don't want to blind to death. Next guy folds and Charlie thinks for a very long time before calling. Everybody else folds, he shows 9-9. I toss up my ace and I take a second to peel the second card hoping I at least have something bigger than a 9 so it will be a coinflip but it is a 7. I brick out completely not catching the ace and I bust out in seventh place.


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