Thursday, January 04, 2007

$230 Second Chance tournament

This tournament had a good structure very similar to the $550 structure. 2000 starting chips, same level increments but 30 minute instead of 40 minute levels.

I get off to a great start, telling myself I'm going to play much more loose this time trying to build chips. I was gonna experiment with an ultra loose style to accumulate. I forget the first few hands but I raise a lot of pots, I reraise a couple with air, lose some win some and I'm sitting at 1800 chips when I get my first double-up. I have AA in the hijack (one before cutoff, two from button), someone opens for 150 early, kind of tightish player from my initial assessment (blinds 25/25), I make it 450, he thinks a while and calls, at this point I put him on some type of mid pair. Flop is 8-5-3, looks scary if I assign him a midpair but he leads out immediately for 500. I now think he's got 99, 10-10, J-J or Q-Q pretty much. Slight chance of a trickily played KK maybe, I ruled out a set, he bet it a little too fast. I just smoothcall, turn is a J. He shoves allin, I instacall, he has 9-9. I like this play because if I raise the flop I'm not getting the other 1000 chips...

Then we move on to another hand that proves what kind of loose aggressive approach I was trying to build. A guy opens for 125, I call with A-4 of hearts. Flop is K-10-2 two spades. He checks, I'd seen him raise a few pots earlier and he usually continuation bet so this kind of worried me for a moment. I check behind, turn is a 3. He bets 300 into the pot that has 300 in it, I'm no longer worried about a flopped set I think he's empty. I just call. River pairs the deuce, no flush available, he bets 600 into the pot, potsized bet. I asked how much more he had left, he said he had 900 left which means he bet just enough to leave himself room to fold. I toss in three purples (1500) and put him allin he instamucks.

I was sitting at 5700 when the level went to 50/100. I chip up to about 7000 just raising a lot, then I get KK vs J-J I think it was, and I am up to 8500 or so. I'm well ahead of the pack and sitting in a great spot.

Two people limp in early, I am in late pos with 5-5. I call, button calls, small blind calls and it's a 6 way flop. Flop is K-10-5 two spades, yatzy. Small blind leads for 400, it folds to me, I make it 900, he shoves immediately for a total of 4500. I call. Pot is now at about 9500 and if I win this I'll be sitting at close to 13000. He has K-5. Turn comes a K immediately, puts that lovely two outer right up my ass and I'm drawing dead. He starts saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just can't put you on a hand when you're playing in every pot... well why do you think I'm playing every pot sir, so people will stack off with marginal hands without giving it second thought... was what I was thinking. Not saying that he necessarily has to fold K-5 there but he instashoved he wasn't getting away from it whatsoever. Anyway I'm down to 4300. Very next hand, early position raiser makes it 300 and he was the tightest player at the table, I look down at two red kings, I shove it allin for a massive overbet for 4300 trying to make it look like I'm steaming. Guy next to me calls and he has 3700, orig. raiser folds. He shows AA. That's a fun little cooler right after getting two outed. Doorcard is a King, flop is K-9-5. I have red kings, he has red aces flop has two hearts. Guy with aces is heartbroken (pun intended) but someone at the table yells, "You can still catch heart-heart!". Cocksucker. He jinxed me, as it comes heart heart and he makes a nutflush I make a second nutflush and I'm down to 600 chips. I try to keep my composure and stay alive through the break, getting up to 950, all the way back up to 1250 just playing shortstack ninja poker but I bust at 100/200 having 900 left and trying to steal with A-2 and getting called by AQ and busting. Those two back to back hands just hurt bad, if I had won the 55 like I'm supposed to, losing the KK vs AA isn't nearly as bad because I still have 9000 to work with which is a huge stack. Losing both is brutal.


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