Thursday, January 04, 2007

Event #1 NLH $500+50

So the World Poker Open started in Tunica and there's plenty of events to play. I started off coming up to the casino at about 11 am expecting a long line for the noon event #1 tournament, only three people ahead of me in line and I registered and then went for a bite to eat.

This was the first event and I was going to just take it easy the first two levels. 25/25 starting blinds, 2000 chips and 40 minute levels.

Early on a limper to my right in the 25/25 I look down at A-A. I make it 125, one guy smoothcalls inbetween and the limper calls. Flop is A-Q-J with two diamonds. First limper checks, I bet 300, next guy calls and the orig limper moves allin, and it's 900 more to me. I move all-in on top, next guy folds... limper shows K-10 for the nuts. Board fails to pair and I'm down to 700.

Next hand I play, two people limp, I have KK I raise it to 150, they both call. Flop is Q high they check to me, I shove they both fold. Up to 1100.

Then comes the first hand I really misplay... blinds 25/25 and I have Q-Q under the gun. One guy had started raising a whole, whole lot and I limped in UTG fuly planning to move in if he raised... I was hoping he'd raise, someone else would smoothcall and I could repop it. Well to my dismay, three people limp in, small blind completes and we see the flop 6-handed. Flop is 10-6-2 rainbow, looks harmless enough. Small blind checks, big blind bets 100. I always hate ragged flops in limped pots when the blinds are involved but I wanted to see where I was at, I raised it to 250 total, they fold around to the big blind who says, "How much more you got left man? I put you all-in."

Basically, the words I really didn't wanna hear at this point. 650 in the pot, I'm getting almost 2:1 on my money but I was sure he had flopped two pair or better, I choose to let it go picking a better spot, he says he flopped top two with 10-6. I have no reason not to believe him.

A little later than that, blinds still 25/50, I have 850. Cutoff raises to 150, I look down at KK in the blind, I make it 400 total, he calls. Flop is 10-x-x (x = rags) all hearts, I have the K of hearts. I put my remaining 450 in, he instacalls, he shows AQ with the ace of hearts, I fade that and I'm now up to about 1700.

I lose a hand when I try to get frisky with A-5 of diamonds after four people had limped in the 50/100 level, I have 1550 chips... there's 550 out there and the table was very very loose passive, not that many preflop raises at all. I raise 550, one guy calls. Flop is KQJ no diamonds, he immediately says "I'm allin." and I fold.

Then I'm down to 700 chips when my table breaks, on the new table one guy opens for 300, another calls 300, I look down at AK and put in my 700. Another person smoothcalls my 700, original raiser moves allin (which I loved, gave me some cover), other two people fold. He has AK too. Since there's so much dead money, and the people that smoothcalled his raise and my raise we split the pot but I still double up to exactly 1400. I've never doubled up off of a chop before. I had Ace of clubs, King of diamonds and I actually turn a diamond flushdraw but couldn't hit it. :)

It's now a break and my table also breaks, I come back at new table at 100/200 when I find the next hand to misplay. I'm way low in chips and I'm desperately looking for a double up. I'm about to be under the gun when the dealer starts shuffling and I hypothetically wonder how I would play aces UTG in this spot with this few chips. I mean I am not one of those people who look to shove allin with aces because I'm scared to get beat, I want to try to get as much value as I can out of it. Well I'm sitting here hypothetically pondering when I get dealt A-A and I'm under the gun, I was thinking that's kind of freaky. I chose to limp in. Another limper, small blind completes and big blind taps the table. Flop is K-9-8 all hearts. First check, second check, I have the ace of hearts and I check hoping that if the turn is a blank maybe somebody with just a king will bet it. Button also checks. Turn is a 4. Small blind leads out for 300, next guy folds, I'm hoping he didn't flop/turn two pair but in either case I have outs no matter what, I move in... he calls with 8-4. I end up having 16 outs and I bust out.

If I had bet the flop I would've taken it down and in retrospect, I need to do that even if its a small bet. Four people in the pot it just gets too scary and I only had 1200 left and there's 800 in the middle, that's a lot of chips for me at that point. I very very rarely slowplay anything, ever, because of my normal loose aggressive style but I played very tight this tournament experimenting with new strategy and the two big pairs I chose to limp I end up losing so I think I'm done experimenting with that for right now. :)

About to play the second chance $230 tournament in 50 minutes, I went home to eat and relax for a minute before I go back to play.


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