How to summarize a month in one single blog
I don't know why I'm the biggest procrastinator in the history of the world when it comes to writing my blogs. I usually enjoy writing them and yet I always end up doing something else all night long and then forget to update with all the fun tidbits that happen during the day, and after enough time of stuff piling up I don't even want to start writing a blog because too much has happened!
It just pretty much describes my work ethic, if I ever feel like I "should" or "have to" do something I won't. A spoiled life-style has really led to some serious character flaws that's for sure.
Nevertheless, here we go! Me and Donald left to go New Orleans to play the WSOP Circuit, I didn't do great but won a few thousand in cashgames and me and Jessica (she came down there too) went to see a lot of touristy things. We rode the totally awesome airboats in the swamps and petted little crocodiles, it was fun. I picked up a little money, nothing huge and then we left to go back to Tunica.
We only stayed in Tunica for a couple of days when we spur of the moment ride up to Oklahoma where I finished 7th in the 1k NLHE event for 7k and then we rode back to Tunica again. We only stayed a few days again, then me, John L and Donald packed up all our things and drove back down to New Orleans and played some cashgames for about two days and then started out trek to Vegas.
We went up to Shreveport, Louisiana spent two nights at the Horseshoe in Shreveport which was surprisingly nice and comfortable. It felt very much like "home" (Horseshoe, Tunica). Me and Donald final tabled some tournament there, we both had a lot of chips with 8 left but after I make three terrible plays we bust out in 6th and 5th (we busted on the same hand, the third party in the hand busted us both) and off we were on the road again.
Next stop was the Winstar Casino close to Dallas, Texas. It is in Oklahoma but it is on the border between Texas and Oklahoma, another nice little casino and me and D both picked up a little change here and then it was off on the road again. This time it was a long way through the desert towards Vegas.
Originally, John wanted us to ride his station wagon without any air conditioning because... well, I have no fucking idea why because it would be ridiculously hot riding through the desert with vultures hovering over our car just waiting for us to either pass out and die from heat exhaustion or until the station wagon decided to throw in the towel so they could eat our bodies. I managed to talk D into taking his car instead so we were riding in the pimpin' Honda Accord equipped with PLENTY of cold air to take us down to the Sin City itself. The ride wasn't so bad, we had plenty of interesting conversations. John and Donald are both very intelligent guys and I always have a good time discussing various topics with them. Towards the end of the trip, we were all deliriously tired (the whole ride took about 16 hours I think from Winstar, but none of us had slept for the day before since we didn't have a room at the Winstar) so we started this trivia game. John would ask us trivia questions, some of them would be capitals of countries in the world and others would be state capitals.
Of course, Donald had the edge in the state capitals, we were about even when it came to capitals of South American countries but whenever he asked anything about a European country Donald had absolutely no idea so I picked up many valuable points there! This might sound like a simple trivia game to pass the time to you, my loyal readers, but this was not so. I was fighting and clawing for every point I could get, and when we were racing to 50 points (but you had to win by two) I was really dead set on kicking that redhead-inbred-bumfuckTennessee-clowns ass and secure the trivia title. I had him 51-50 after correctly saying that the capital of Guatemala was Guatemala City (which to Donalds protest he said it was bullshit, until we looked it up and I WAS INDEED RIGHT!) and it came down to the final question.
What is the state capital of New Hampshire? I remember about two years ago, a friend of mine from New Hampshire came down to Tunica to hang out and play poker for about 10 days. He flew in to Huntsville, AL and me and him drove to Tunica and in the car he said, "Do you know the capital of New Hampshire?". I said, of course I don't. Why the fuck would I know the capital of New Hampshire? He said, "It is Concord, just remember the word opposite to 'discord', now you'll never forget it."
Sure enough, I haven't forgot it still. CONCORD, I yell out so loud I almost swerve into the incoming 18-wheeler in the middle of New Mexico and Donald was stunned. He was defeated. The swedish guy emerges victorious once again. It was great.
Another thing, us degenerate gamblers would bet on would be simple prop bets that we'd come up with at random. At one restaurant, we had quite a complicated order and John ordered dry wheat toast. He said they always butter his toast no matter what if he orders it that way or not, and we had a couple steaks one being well done one being medium well and a bunch of little side items. John said there's no way she's going to get everything right, I bet $20 that she would. Donald took the bet and sure enough the waitress had it all right.
Our other standing bet was at In and Out burger, every time we'd order we'd bet on how long it would take. John would set the line at say... 6 minutes. Me and D would have to call over and under if it'd be over (take more than six minutes) or under (take less than six minutes) and of course we'd gamble on that too. We're such fucking degenerates, but it is all fun.
Another thing that we've gambled a lot on lately is Roshambo, for you simpletons that aren't experts of the art it would be normally be referred to as Rock-Paper-Scissors. This sounds like another simple game but oh no, do not be fooled. The mental trickery and the jedi mind-trick like abilities you have to possess is more than I thought. I've never lost so consistently at a game as I'm losing in this one to Donald. Somehow he fucking owns me at this game. I've lost 20 bucks twice, I've lost a gazebo (we're in some home improvement store when we see a gazebo for 300 bucks and we decide to Roshambo for it, and I fucking lose.) and then we had a double or nothing bet for $90 bucks from a previous prop bet that I actually managed to win. I'm gonna get his ass consistently some day in it though.
We finally get to Vegas and we stay a couple nights at Golden Nugget downtown, a couple nights at the Palms (which was very, very nice) where we had a really nice room at the 53rd floor with an amazing view. I had been doing real well so far on the trip but after a few bad sessions at $10/20 NL at the Bellagio I had a "swede blowup" where I went and dropped a hefty sum at the blackjack tables of the Palms and this sent me way back in the red for the trip. I almost had to go back after this because that blackjack session hurt me so bad but I decided to get my own room at the Stratosphere, play some online and try to gather my thoughts on why I'm such a fucking idiot sometimes.
So John and D moved over to a nice suite at the Rio while I got my room all the way down the end of the Strip at the Stratosphere. I spent a couple of nights playing and trying to get myself back together and after about four days of solitude at the Stratosphere Jessica came out to visit. The first day she was there, I was playing the WSOP super satellite on Stars that was giving away a lot of seats. I was able to win a seat after about 9 hours and they credited me with $11,000 into my account to be used towards the main event. But since I had such a horrific trip so far I decided to keep the money to recoup some of the blackjack money I had blown.
The Stratosphere

We went and did a lot of fun stuff, Donald came with us too for most of them and we went up to the top of the Stratosphere to do these three rides. They're called X-Scream, Insanity and Big Shot. The naming of the first two rides were no coincidence, oh no. It sure made me fucking scream and it was indeed pure insanity, they were aptly named indeed. The first one we went on was X-Scream. All these rides take place 110 floors up in the air, which is right around 1000 feet (Big Shot was 1100 feet up) and it is fucking high up in the air. X-Scream sits you down into this rocket looking thing with 8 seats, two by two and then it shoots you off this rail in 40mph only to suddenly brake when you are hanging off the side of the building terrified like no other and screaming and praying for your life. I'm not a religious man but I could be found saying at least three different prayers before, during and after the ride. I have never in my entire life been so scared from a ride. Ever.

The infamous X-Scream
Next one up was Big Shot. The ride can be found on various amusement parks as it is this tower where it shoots you straight up in the air and then lets you feel the feeling of a freefall as you come back down. It is like the greatest excillerating feeling when you get shot up and you're coming down. The view is also amazing from up there, you can see the entire Las Vegas valley and it was absolutely gorgeous. We had a great picture from this one, from the automated cameras when Donald and Jessica look so totally frightened and I'm laughing my ass off. It was so cool. I'd love to do it again. We probably rode this one four or five times in a row. This one was much more enjoyable than the X-Scream, I didn't have that "oh my god I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm really gonna die" feeling but instead it was just fun instead of pure terror.
The last, but not least was "Insanity". It spins you around while you are suspended in the air in these chairs hanging off the side of the building. It was quite the shock at first as when you look down on your side you are seeing 1000 feet straight down to the Las Vegas strip, but once the initial shock had settled down it was pretty sweet.
Then all three of us went to see the Cirque de Soleil show "Ka" which was totally amazing. It was a super cool production and I had never seen any Cirque show or anything like it, infact, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. All three of us had a good time.
A little while later, we went to see Blueman Group. It was also an amazing time. Jess is apparently a huge fan of the Blueman Group and I didn't know much about them but it was so totally cool. She also got a Blueman Kiss at the end of the thing so that made her day.
I basically was doing everything I can just to have fun and not play poker and clear my head since I'd been performing so poorly. I met up with Shawn (from last years blogs) and Tim Burt, my old roommate, and we went up a few nights to the Voodoo Lounge at the top of the Rio which is an incredibly cool lounge. It is outside on a deck up on the 52nd floor and you have an amazing view there too, it was two floors with VIP booths at the side of the rails and two bars. There were poles for "exotic" dancers and plenty of people dancing all over the place, it was pretty sweet.

That's about it. I'm trying to get geared up to play the Main Event now on Monday (It started Friday, but with four "Day Ones") and hopefully I'll be able to get in it. Whether it is through buying in, getting put in or having someone buy a significant portion of my action I'd love to play it one way or another. It is the pinnacle event of all poker tournaments and it only happens once a year so I'm going to do everything in my power to get in it. Jessica left to go home quite a while ago and now it's just me and Donald staying in an apartment about five minutes from the strip. He's scheduled to play on Monday and hopefully I'll be able to play then too. I'll try to keep my blog updated more frequently.
It just pretty much describes my work ethic, if I ever feel like I "should" or "have to" do something I won't. A spoiled life-style has really led to some serious character flaws that's for sure.
Nevertheless, here we go! Me and Donald left to go New Orleans to play the WSOP Circuit, I didn't do great but won a few thousand in cashgames and me and Jessica (she came down there too) went to see a lot of touristy things. We rode the totally awesome airboats in the swamps and petted little crocodiles, it was fun. I picked up a little money, nothing huge and then we left to go back to Tunica.
We only stayed in Tunica for a couple of days when we spur of the moment ride up to Oklahoma where I finished 7th in the 1k NLHE event for 7k and then we rode back to Tunica again. We only stayed a few days again, then me, John L and Donald packed up all our things and drove back down to New Orleans and played some cashgames for about two days and then started out trek to Vegas.
We went up to Shreveport, Louisiana spent two nights at the Horseshoe in Shreveport which was surprisingly nice and comfortable. It felt very much like "home" (Horseshoe, Tunica). Me and Donald final tabled some tournament there, we both had a lot of chips with 8 left but after I make three terrible plays we bust out in 6th and 5th (we busted on the same hand, the third party in the hand busted us both) and off we were on the road again.
Next stop was the Winstar Casino close to Dallas, Texas. It is in Oklahoma but it is on the border between Texas and Oklahoma, another nice little casino and me and D both picked up a little change here and then it was off on the road again. This time it was a long way through the desert towards Vegas.
Originally, John wanted us to ride his station wagon without any air conditioning because... well, I have no fucking idea why because it would be ridiculously hot riding through the desert with vultures hovering over our car just waiting for us to either pass out and die from heat exhaustion or until the station wagon decided to throw in the towel so they could eat our bodies. I managed to talk D into taking his car instead so we were riding in the pimpin' Honda Accord equipped with PLENTY of cold air to take us down to the Sin City itself. The ride wasn't so bad, we had plenty of interesting conversations. John and Donald are both very intelligent guys and I always have a good time discussing various topics with them. Towards the end of the trip, we were all deliriously tired (the whole ride took about 16 hours I think from Winstar, but none of us had slept for the day before since we didn't have a room at the Winstar) so we started this trivia game. John would ask us trivia questions, some of them would be capitals of countries in the world and others would be state capitals.
Of course, Donald had the edge in the state capitals, we were about even when it came to capitals of South American countries but whenever he asked anything about a European country Donald had absolutely no idea so I picked up many valuable points there! This might sound like a simple trivia game to pass the time to you, my loyal readers, but this was not so. I was fighting and clawing for every point I could get, and when we were racing to 50 points (but you had to win by two) I was really dead set on kicking that redhead-inbred-bumfuckTennessee-clowns ass and secure the trivia title. I had him 51-50 after correctly saying that the capital of Guatemala was Guatemala City (which to Donalds protest he said it was bullshit, until we looked it up and I WAS INDEED RIGHT!) and it came down to the final question.
What is the state capital of New Hampshire? I remember about two years ago, a friend of mine from New Hampshire came down to Tunica to hang out and play poker for about 10 days. He flew in to Huntsville, AL and me and him drove to Tunica and in the car he said, "Do you know the capital of New Hampshire?". I said, of course I don't. Why the fuck would I know the capital of New Hampshire? He said, "It is Concord, just remember the word opposite to 'discord', now you'll never forget it."
Sure enough, I haven't forgot it still. CONCORD, I yell out so loud I almost swerve into the incoming 18-wheeler in the middle of New Mexico and Donald was stunned. He was defeated. The swedish guy emerges victorious once again. It was great.
Another thing, us degenerate gamblers would bet on would be simple prop bets that we'd come up with at random. At one restaurant, we had quite a complicated order and John ordered dry wheat toast. He said they always butter his toast no matter what if he orders it that way or not, and we had a couple steaks one being well done one being medium well and a bunch of little side items. John said there's no way she's going to get everything right, I bet $20 that she would. Donald took the bet and sure enough the waitress had it all right.
Our other standing bet was at In and Out burger, every time we'd order we'd bet on how long it would take. John would set the line at say... 6 minutes. Me and D would have to call over and under if it'd be over (take more than six minutes) or under (take less than six minutes) and of course we'd gamble on that too. We're such fucking degenerates, but it is all fun.
Another thing that we've gambled a lot on lately is Roshambo, for you simpletons that aren't experts of the art it would be normally be referred to as Rock-Paper-Scissors. This sounds like another simple game but oh no, do not be fooled. The mental trickery and the jedi mind-trick like abilities you have to possess is more than I thought. I've never lost so consistently at a game as I'm losing in this one to Donald. Somehow he fucking owns me at this game. I've lost 20 bucks twice, I've lost a gazebo (we're in some home improvement store when we see a gazebo for 300 bucks and we decide to Roshambo for it, and I fucking lose.) and then we had a double or nothing bet for $90 bucks from a previous prop bet that I actually managed to win. I'm gonna get his ass consistently some day in it though.
We finally get to Vegas and we stay a couple nights at Golden Nugget downtown, a couple nights at the Palms (which was very, very nice) where we had a really nice room at the 53rd floor with an amazing view. I had been doing real well so far on the trip but after a few bad sessions at $10/20 NL at the Bellagio I had a "swede blowup" where I went and dropped a hefty sum at the blackjack tables of the Palms and this sent me way back in the red for the trip. I almost had to go back after this because that blackjack session hurt me so bad but I decided to get my own room at the Stratosphere, play some online and try to gather my thoughts on why I'm such a fucking idiot sometimes.
So John and D moved over to a nice suite at the Rio while I got my room all the way down the end of the Strip at the Stratosphere. I spent a couple of nights playing and trying to get myself back together and after about four days of solitude at the Stratosphere Jessica came out to visit. The first day she was there, I was playing the WSOP super satellite on Stars that was giving away a lot of seats. I was able to win a seat after about 9 hours and they credited me with $11,000 into my account to be used towards the main event. But since I had such a horrific trip so far I decided to keep the money to recoup some of the blackjack money I had blown.
The Stratosphere

We went and did a lot of fun stuff, Donald came with us too for most of them and we went up to the top of the Stratosphere to do these three rides. They're called X-Scream, Insanity and Big Shot. The naming of the first two rides were no coincidence, oh no. It sure made me fucking scream and it was indeed pure insanity, they were aptly named indeed. The first one we went on was X-Scream. All these rides take place 110 floors up in the air, which is right around 1000 feet (Big Shot was 1100 feet up) and it is fucking high up in the air. X-Scream sits you down into this rocket looking thing with 8 seats, two by two and then it shoots you off this rail in 40mph only to suddenly brake when you are hanging off the side of the building terrified like no other and screaming and praying for your life. I'm not a religious man but I could be found saying at least three different prayers before, during and after the ride. I have never in my entire life been so scared from a ride. Ever.

Big Shot
The infamous X-Scream

Next one up was Big Shot. The ride can be found on various amusement parks as it is this tower where it shoots you straight up in the air and then lets you feel the feeling of a freefall as you come back down. It is like the greatest excillerating feeling when you get shot up and you're coming down. The view is also amazing from up there, you can see the entire Las Vegas valley and it was absolutely gorgeous. We had a great picture from this one, from the automated cameras when Donald and Jessica look so totally frightened and I'm laughing my ass off. It was so cool. I'd love to do it again. We probably rode this one four or five times in a row. This one was much more enjoyable than the X-Scream, I didn't have that "oh my god I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm really gonna die" feeling but instead it was just fun instead of pure terror.
The last, but not least was "Insanity". It spins you around while you are suspended in the air in these chairs hanging off the side of the building. It was quite the shock at first as when you look down on your side you are seeing 1000 feet straight down to the Las Vegas strip, but once the initial shock had settled down it was pretty sweet.
Then all three of us went to see the Cirque de Soleil show "Ka" which was totally amazing. It was a super cool production and I had never seen any Cirque show or anything like it, infact, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. All three of us had a good time.
A little while later, we went to see Blueman Group. It was also an amazing time. Jess is apparently a huge fan of the Blueman Group and I didn't know much about them but it was so totally cool. She also got a Blueman Kiss at the end of the thing so that made her day.
Right after getting a kiss on the cheek!
I basically was doing everything I can just to have fun and not play poker and clear my head since I'd been performing so poorly. I met up with Shawn (from last years blogs) and Tim Burt, my old roommate, and we went up a few nights to the Voodoo Lounge at the top of the Rio which is an incredibly cool lounge. It is outside on a deck up on the 52nd floor and you have an amazing view there too, it was two floors with VIP booths at the side of the rails and two bars. There were poles for "exotic" dancers and plenty of people dancing all over the place, it was pretty sweet.
Shawn on the left, me in the middle, Tim on the right and Jessica infront

That's about it. I'm trying to get geared up to play the Main Event now on Monday (It started Friday, but with four "Day Ones") and hopefully I'll be able to get in it. Whether it is through buying in, getting put in or having someone buy a significant portion of my action I'd love to play it one way or another. It is the pinnacle event of all poker tournaments and it only happens once a year so I'm going to do everything in my power to get in it. Jessica left to go home quite a while ago and now it's just me and Donald staying in an apartment about five minutes from the strip. He's scheduled to play on Monday and hopefully I'll be able to play then too. I'll try to keep my blog updated more frequently.
Awesome! I can't believe you remembered that shit! Glad my random babbling helped you out.
- Uy from NH
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