Friday, August 15, 2008

$300 Rebuy at the Bicycle Casino

Yesterday I decided to play a $300 multiple rebuy with $150k guaranteed prizepool at the Bike here in LA. I had an uneventful first day, you start with 3000 chips, 3000 for every rebuy and I ended the rebuy period with 12k and ended the day with 10300. It was a very good structure, I just never got anything going. The first 25/50 level of the day during the rebuy period I had AA, QQ four times, AK twice, flopped a flush and had JJ three times and I went from 6000 to 7050 chips with those hands lol. I just barely hung in there the rest of the day was completely card-dead which made my image at the table one of a total rock-solid tight player. I am not used to having that image at all.

I was at about 6800 chips with 200/400/75 blinds guy opens for 1k UTG, call, call and I ship 6800 with A8 mainly because I was only worried about the UTG raiser and he had opened big hands (AA and QQ) early before but with those hands he opened 4x the blind to 1600. When he opened for 1000, I thought he had a more speculative hand and with my image of a nit I thought anyone else besides him would be even more hard-pressed to call. Anyway that's the only really interesting hand I played. We played 7 levels until we took a break for day two.

I come back on day two and blinds are 300/600/100 ante and I raise early with AQ flop top two, make a smallish bet and the guy folds. I open later KTs flop comes J43, I had three people call me and one guy shoves the flop with QT high and I fold, guy behind me calls with 98 for no pair, no draw. It was about a 28k chip pot that Q high took down, these guys were playing pretty awful.

A little later I shove AK UTG with 12 big blinds left, get no callers there either. Then comes a spot which if I played worse I could get some chips. UTG is a big stack with about 65k he limps, he seemed like a very good player as well. Next guy limps, I'm third to act with two deuces. I have 8800 chips so about 11 big blinds and I opt to fold. The UTG limp from him scared me, if it was anyone else on the table I'd probably shove since they limped with anything but I know he didn't. I didn't wanna limp and lose 10% of my chips if I get raised behind either so I just pass.

Flop K72 rainbow, UTG checks next guy bets 4000... fold fold, UTG calls. Turn 3 of clubs putting two clubs out. UTG checks, next guy bets 6000, UTG moves allin, the UTG+1 who originally made the bet has about another 11-14k and snapcalls him with 65off for a pure gutshot nothing else. UTG has AK of clubs but the other guy ends up catching a non-club gutshot 4 on the river for a monster pot.

I fold UTG+1 and when I'm UTG I look down at A9. I don't wanna blind down either to like 7-8 bbs cause I will have very little fold equity and I hadn't played many hands, I make a shove which I think is marginal at best, get called right behind me by the tightest player in the world, this lady who had played all of zero hands. She has AK makes a king and I'm drawing dead and out.

Still no results anywhere and I keep getting my money in bad every time I put a chip in the pot...


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