Thursday, August 24, 2006

A long overdue update

I haven't really had internet access in quite a while so I haven't been updating anything recently. We left Vegas after the World Series of Donkfest where Chris who had plans of winning $12 million, renting 50 cent for his party and then go and rent the entire Bunny Ranch staff. No shit, he had already planned all this out. Anyway, his hopes go down in flames and we stay a few more days to sweat Andy. Andy went deep and got 299th for like $36,000 so he held the Tunica flag high at least. Well, the Tunica/Filippino flag but whatever works.

We got back to Tunica and the house we moved into earlier just all went to shit with that so we moved out and me and Chris have been in a hotel for like two weeks until today where we moved into a two bedroom apartment. It's not bad at all.

Besides that, we've been absolutely killing this new poker game we found. These couple of donkeys that are widely known as some of the worst players in Tunica invited us to a game at their place. The game was going to be $1/2 Limit with a mix of Triple Draw, Omaha/8, Stud, Stud/8, Pot Limit Draw, Pot Limit Omaha and Razz. The poor guys can barely play hold'em so I managed to win like $240 the first night with them and I might just quit playing at the Horseshoe altogether. This game is too juicy to pass up.

Jokes aside, the group is Donald, Andy, Austin, Mitch, big Chris and me and it might be the toughest lineup in all of the south I swear. It's like the table of people you'd normally hate to sit at but we've had a blast drinking beer and playing poker. We've also played a lot of tennis lately with the same people and that shit is fucking exhausting. Running around and hitting balls is a lot more effort than what it sounds like. There's of course some sidebets going on everything since we're all sick degenerate gamblers but it's a fun group to hang out with.

That's just the update for now, we'll get internet in our apartment soonish and I'll start updating this thing much more often and go back to the bi-daily updates. Just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive!

Friday, August 04, 2006

What should be my next New Years resolution

I know what I need to work on right now when it comes to poker is quitting when I get a little bit pissed off, I'm losing a little bit of money and I recognize both these things and still play. Then the next thing I need to work on is when I'm losing a lot of money, steam is coming out of my ears and I'm still playing. Lastly, when I'm throwing my wireless mouse, when I'm losing out the ass and I'm yelling profanities and still playing. The latter was what I went through in the last online-session I played. I have been losing a decent bit lately, made somewhat of a comeback yesterday and things felt alright. I log onto Full Tilt today and I win about a dime early on in the session and I'm about to quit when I wait for Chris to take a shower, in the fifteen minutes while he's showering I lose back the money I've won and I'm about dead even.

I tell him the game is bad and I should quit but I'll play a little longer. I get stuck a hundred or two, I tell him if I win the next pot I'll just quit right then and there and go watch a movie. I lose that pot too with KK to QQ on a Q-3-2 flop. I'm now stuck about five hundred and told him and Nick to go get some food while I try to chase back the losses. They come back a little later and I'm stuck about $1800, I'm steaming and tilting and playing badly and I tell 'em I'm going to play a little longer. I lose a flopped flush to a flopped royal flush and I stack off completely and I'm stuck about $2500, I'm now furious and go on a total rampage moving all-in in the dark for the next ten minutes and when the dust is settled I lost about $5000 for the day. All in all, a pretty bad day. The worst part is all of it could've been avoided.

I hate to make this into an all serious entry as I usually try to get some humor in there but I am sitting here now drunk off my ass and trying to analyze why this happens quite frequently. This is hardly the first time this has happened. My conclusion is that I'm just one of those self-destructive people that would rather go and put themselves through this just so I can get to whine about how terribly I'm doing instead of playing the safe and sound route of grinding my money up slowly and surely. It's all a matter of discipline and maturity I believe, and I'm lacking both at the moment. I had the question asked to me so many times by my friends online today, "What are you going to do if you go broke?" and I can't even answer. I've gotten such a spoiled life-style now that I can't even imagine myself working for $8/hour somewhere, so I'd probably either end up trying to borrow money to build my bankroll back up or going back to Sweden. Part of me think that I'm trying to get myself broke so I get a reason to go back to Sweden even though I know I won't like it there, I've always wanted to live here in the states. Ever since I left my ex over in Alabama it has been life in the fast-lane though, spending a lot of money, doing a lot of crazy things and basically just been carelessly living life without any concern about anything. It's tough to adjust to go back to living some kind of normal life. It's not like I had millions upon millions anyway, so don't get me wrong, but still been throwing around a lot of money on things I could've done without. It all helped into giving me a very spoiled perspective on life where I take plenty of things for granted. I am trying to figure out how to turn this all around and get back to enjoying life again. I hate stressing out about money but that's all I've been doing the last month, and while I'm so stressed about money I still go and blow $5000 online in the matter of hours. That is quite the paradox, isn't it?

That is all for this entry, not much humor, not a whole lot to laugh at but a very important self-reflective blog that I can look back at in a few months hopefully and realize that "Wow, I've came quite a ways in terms of character and discipline from what I was back then" At least that is what I hope for with this entry.

Battle of Champions II : Sweden takes the crown again.

This morning I got a vision. A little ghost floated down from upstairs where he had been partying and hanging out in the badass suites they have upstairs and he came down to me and told me that I was the Chosen One. Chosen for what, I inquired. He said that an epic battle between nationalities would take place around 4 PM this very day and I had been chosen to defend the swedish glory. Sweeeeeeeeet I said, and the little ghost said he was so god damn hung over he was going back to the pool and have himself another margarita to feel better.

At four PM, the contender stepped up in the form of fat ass Chris Hight. The rules had been laid down, we were playing a best-out-of-five headsup poker match starting out with No Limit Hold'em and then letting the winner choose what game to play for the next game. He grabbed Nicks laptop and I grabbed mine and we logged onto PokerStars. He kept talking so much shit about how he was going to beat me without a problem and this and that, and I kept reminding him by asking how he did in the main event again since I forgot. Nick asked what the odds would be and I claimed to be an at least four to one favorite, which I think is quite accurate. We started playing and I won the first match quite quickly, then he chose Pot Limit Omaha which I don't think he lost a single pot in. On the last hand that finished the match I had kings doublesuited with clubs and spades, he had aces suited in clubs. Flop was J-6-6 two clubs so he had a bigger draw and bigger overpair, and KO'd me. Then I picked Pot Limit Omaha High/Low which I don't think he ever had a shot in and it might've been unfair because he really, really sucked at that game. Last game was decided by No Limit Hold'em again and of course, he's drawing dead before we even start playing so I won that one too. The swedish people rejoiced as a 3-1 victory was good enough to secure bragging rights for the next six or seven months, no problem.

Yesterday we went out drinking, I didn't feel like playing poker at all as I played something like 4700 hands online and 8 hours of livepoker in one day before that and I was burnt out completely. We went to eat at Outback before we started and I had some grilled salmon and they had steaks, at the end of the meal when the bill was presented we decided to play a different version of credit-card roulette. It was only a $100 bill so we all threw in one hundred each, all with different digits that the serial number ended in. The waiter drew Nicks bill and he had put himself at an 1,8 to 1 favorite he would get picked and sure enough, the favorite pulled through and the meal was on Nick. Then we went drinking a bunch. I had a steady diet of beer and vodka-cranberry and Chris had his crown and 7 so we were drinking a lot. Nick felt bad so he went upstairs to lay down for a while and me and Chris went to Kahunaville. I found out later that on a list of the top ten spots for flair-bartending in the whole world Kahunaville was on the list. The list had like three spots in Vegas, two more in the US, two spots in the United Kingdom and then some random other spots in the world. The bartenders there were pretty badass at flairing which I think is quite cool anyway, we hung out there for a while until Nick came and met up with us. We just sat around talking and drinking and had a good time and I went to bed semi-earlyish at like 3 am and they stuck around drinking some more.

During the night, I might've gotten the most hurtful text-message I've ever seen. I get insulted on a daily basis since that's how my friends roll, but this one was bad. It was Shawn sending me his love from New York and he always talks shit about Sweden but he took it to a whole different level. The exact text messages below:

"Did u kno theres 3,000 hackers at caesars for a convention? Mayb u could take ur 14,000 laptop over there and exchange it for a commodore 64."

"U should get a skin cover for ur computer...have the saab logo, ikea logo, volvo emblem and make it yellow and blue and put the curling team picture to capit off. And then on the back put a cartoon of a stick figure blowing his brains out with the caption of "do you blame me" underneath"

That was fucking harsh. God damn, man. He must've gone and watched a Phillies game and seen them get killed again and therefore he was so angry and bitter. The plan for tonight is go to see Talladega Nights I believe, other than that I don't know.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I have been slacking!

I haven't updated the blog in a while this time either, and I haven't even taken many pictures of what we've been doing lately. Big Chris came into town after he won his WSOP satellite seat a while ago and his buddies from his hometown Nick and Caleb together with Calebs buddy Drew were here hanging out and we had a good time. The first night we went out, we went to play some low limit stuff just playing around at some place called Casino Royale. Don't let the name fool you, because it sounds like a decent place, doesn't it? God it sucked. That was the worst staff as far as customer service goes as well.

We walk into the place and go up to the bar, me and Nick order two beers and they ID us both, that's fine. I give her my ID she looks at it and hands it back, Nick gives her his drivers license and she looks at it and looks at it some more (it's a regular state drivers license) and looks at it some more again. She holds it in different angles in the light, takes a few steps back and looks at it again. Nick goes in a perfectly normal tone of voice, "Do you want some other forms of ID?" and he gives her a bunch of other ID's like four of them. She goes, "Are you trying to be some kind of smartass?" and he replied "No, I was just trying to help"

She looks at the same ID again and walks off again and he goes "I just want a fucking beer" at which point she blew up completely and called security over. We talked to security for a minute and he informed us that she refuses to serve us from now on but we're perfectly fine just asking some other barmaid to help us out. As we walk off from the bar the security guard walks with us and tells Nick, "She's a bitch anyway"... that was fucking hilarious.

We go to play some "switch" blackjack for like $5 a hand. See I used to have this problem betting blackjack. I'd win like $1500 playing poker one night, then go blow $3500 on blackjack and wonder what the fuck is wrong with me. That happened a few times. I had a good run back in like December where I sat down with $100 at the blackjack table and won about $18,500 and it was probably the worst thing that ever happened to me as it made me want to play more. I haven't played blackjack in several months now so I've been good with it, and actually managed to just bet $5 a hand! I was proud of myself. Momentarily. Then we go play some craps, a game I barely understand and that I'm not even enjoying too much but then again its a tablegame so hard to enjoy it too much since you know at any given time you are taking the worst of it. We play for a while, drink some and then me, Chris and Nick take off to the Venetian. Then we went trying to find a place to just sit and drink and hang out. We went to like three million casinos just walking down the strip. We went to Venetian, Casino Royale, Flamingo, Barbary Coast, Bellagio and a bunch of others I barely remember like Harrah's and some other ones. We eventually get all the way to New York, New York and they had a great pub/bar called Nine Fine Irishmen or something of the sort? It was actually pretty nice and they served good Guinness too... for Shawn if you're reading it, don't you wish you were there? I know you are such a Guinness connoisseur.

Then we take a cab back and just hang out at the bar at Treasure Island, until sometime early morning. Just talking, playing some video poker and drinking. It was fun.

Big Chris busted in the main event so he's been upset about it, luckily it wasn't like he blew some kind of big opportunity or anything. It's only $12 million for first, chump change. Me and Nick make sure to remind him on a daily basis that it's alright, there'll always be NEXT FUCKING YEAR which is a long ass time ahead. Well, every time I try to talk shit I always get the question "Hey swede, how did the satellites go?" and I just have to quietly mumble "shutthefuckup" and be quiet. I'm actually in no spot to be ragging on Chris but it's still fun.

We're heading back on Saturday from the looks of things together with Andy and Donald unless Andy makes it to the final table in the WSOP event. He's still in good shape with 55k as of going into Day Three I believe? I think there'll be 1100 starters and 800 people getting in the money when he starts the day so I am definitely rooting for him to make it good. If he gets ahold of some chips he'll be dangerous so hopefully he'll get a nice little run of cards early and be able to chip up.

That's all for now, ciao.