Saturday, January 06, 2007

Event #3 $550 NLHE

Another disappointing tournament, I am not even getting close in these and it is starting to bother me. I'm not going to put a long write-up but I'm gonna write down a few key hands I remember.

I play aggressive early, raising 6 out of first 10 pots. I had JJ once, TT once, AJ once then three times with suited semi connectors, netted me about +150 chips. Started with 2000. I then pick up a pot with A-10 when a weak player on my right raises to 50 (minimum), I reraise to 200, he calls. Flop is 8 high he checks, I bet 350 he folds.

A little later same guy, same opening raise to 50, I reraise with A-7 to 200 again. Flop is J - x -x, I don't improve, he checks, I bet same 350 he folds again. I had been raising a certain guys blind a lot and he was getting visibly frustrated, which led to the next big hand I play.

I have A-9, I open for 150, call in the small blind, villain in the BB reraises to 500 straight. I really didn't give him much here and I took a flop with him. Flop is Q-10-3 and he didn't look like he liked it at all. He bets 500 again, I call, planning to raise almost any turn unless I get some read that he improved. Turn is an A, I actually improved. He checks, that completed a diamond flushdraw, three diamonds on board I have the 9d. I check behind. River is a low blank he thinks a while and checks, I decide to bet 800 for value. He goes in the tank forever before finally folding what he claims was a pair lower than the Q. Jacks, perhaps? Or 8's maybe.

I then lose a couple pots calling 300 preflop with pairs, once with a small suited connector and once with J-10s whiffing all of them. I fold a lot for about 30 minutes, then a new guy at the table opens UTG+2 for 300, I elect to just call with JJ. Two others call. Flop 9-8-2 two diamonds. Original raiser leads for 500, I shove all-in, he calls. He has K-9. (???) Brick, brick and I get some chips back and I'm at about 4200.

50/100 blinds, last hand before break, we're about to go to 100/200. I'm third in chips on my table. Villain from pot earlier whom I tried to outplay (and got lucky against) with A9 raises to 300 on my BB. I have QJ of hearts, I call. Flop is Ah 10d 9h. I flop open ended with a flushdraw. I check, he bets 500. I don't want to second guess myself playing this pot out of position I shove all-in for a big overbet. He goes DEEP in the tank, crowd forms around the table as everybody else is on break and this is a big pot. He keeps saying "Can I really go broke with one pair?", "I don't think I'm good enough to fold this" and I'm hoping it's AQ and not AK because AK takes away one of my outs. He thinks and thinks and thinks some more for probably a good four or five minutes. He finally says I think you have hearts, and he calls. He had AK. Turn brick river 10, gg me. I don't mind getting my money in that spot, I just wish I was lucky. I wouldn't have minded a fold either of course. I just didn't wanna raise to like 1300 and have him shove, I wanted him to have the decision hence the shove on the flop on my part.

Very disappointing I just cannot get anything going. 8k+ for the break would've been a very nice stack. I also had a great read on my table, loved it. The only good solid aggressive player I respected was two to my right so I had position on him, oh well.


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